PIP/Shunned/A really messy situation

From All The Fallen Stories
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My mind went through a whole host of things I could try in order to mess with him. I kinda wanted to know what would happen if I made two people do something together and considered bringing Leah up here to test that concept. I also still kinda wanted to screw my mother. As for the first of those ideas, I didn't know if Noah would be getting out of the shower before I got her up here or not. For the latter, well, I was still wanting to save some of my sexual stamina for tomorrow. So, instead, I decided to just get in the shower with Noah and make him the second person I did something with.

I took off my underwear and got in just as he was beginning to lather up his cute little body with soap. I decided to take the washcloth from him and rub a fair amount of the soapy lather onto his crotch. I could feel my own dick give a little twitch as I felt his tight little sack and twig in my hands. It was so weird touching another guy's junk, even if he was just a little kid and my little brother, but it also seemed kinda fun... I didn't really want to dwell on that thought too much, so I just told myself the reason I was here was to see if my little brother could ejaculate or not yet. He was only 8, and I didn't shoot until I had just turned 14, but it's not impossible. "Alright kid, now let's see if your manhood works or if you're still just a little girly boy." I commented under my breath. I wrapped an arm around him from behind and took his little 3-inch pecker between three fingers and began pulling on it.

Noah froze in his self-cleaning as I just pulled on his little wee-wee. After a little bit of this, he started to make little whimpering sounds and was relaxing into my grip.

WIP (writing while sleep deprived is catching up with me, will finish when I've gotten some sleep.)