Mother's Helping Hand/sight/Virgin/kinder/Dannie

From All The Fallen Stories
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You look over the playground and your eyes fall on your six year old Cousin Dannie. She is running around arms waving over her head screening in joy as she runs through a flock of pigeons, gathered on the ground. The birds launch into the air and circle the playground. As soon as the birds take flight, Dannie screams even louder and jumps at them, attempting to grab one before they can get away. Once all the birds are in the air, she spreads her arms wide like wings and continues to run around the playground, banking her arms every time she turns. She does this until the pigeons once again settle on the ground, and then she is once again screaming and charging through their ranks, sending the birds once more into a panicked flight.

You laugh as you watch your cousin's antics, she has always been a bundle of joy and energy. Even at family gatherings, she was everywhere. As you think about those family gatherings, it occurs to you that your Cousin's, Dannie,Ema and Ava always wanted to spend time with you. The three of them were always grabbing you by your hands and dragging you off to one adventure or another. they never wanted to spend time with your Nieces who were closer to them in age, or with any of your sisters. No it was always with you.

You also remember your ant Lora commenting to your mother and older sisters about how the girls had a crush on you.

But could you do it with your little cousin, she was the light of your life, her and her sisters were the only positive female influences in your life? In a way it would be easier, after all you already know each other and are comfortable around each other.