Mother's Helping Hand/School

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Lamptons School for Young Women

Lamptons has been a school for almost 150 years, but A facility called Lamptons has be around since before anyone can remember, according to historical records it was built first, the City of Larange and it's surrounding communities rose up around it. The school ground's covers over 150 Acers of land and contains just about every facility a school would need. There are over 1,500 students an around 300 or more faculty and staff.

Lamptons is a boarding school and all students must live on campus until high school, even if there families live locally. Once a student enters high school they can apply to live off campus, each application is considered on a case by case basis. The only time a student is not required to live in the dorms is if they ha a parent that is a member of the on campus faculty, in which case they may be permitted to stay with their parent, that right can be revoked at anytime. On campus faculty are all female teacher's or staff who are either unmarried or who live separate from their husbands during the school year. The also can not have any male children over the age of 4 living with them.

The school covers all grades pre-school through a college Master program. However in order for a student to attend the collegiate programs, she must have high marks, have attended Lampton's high school for at least two years and graduated from Lampton high as a senior.

Before Lampton was a School it had many prior purposes, first as a crossroads, then a trading post, a fort and defensive outpost, a convent, a religious college, and then finally an all girls boarding school.

Jack is the first male to be employed or live on the school ground's in 100 years. He is only able to live here because his mother is the Headmistress of the school. In the beginning he is only permitted to be at his mother's house, the main offices and traveling in between. All other areas are off limits without a faculty escort and with a legitimate reason for his presence.

Larange City

Larange City is a large City found about a mile from Lamptons. It is a mix of modern, and scientifically advanced techologies. Any resources that is required can be found there. The city's laws are quite liberal, allowing for what most societies would consider inhumane or evil. As long as a person's actions don't hinder the government or community as a whole, do not result in an obvious loss of life, the government is willing to turn a blind eye to most things. The only time laws are generally enforced is when either the offender has cost the government or community reputation, or someone with power, money or influence is pushing for action against the offender.

The Outskirts

Lamptons exists in a mythological location that is both every nation and none. Any and all fantasy and science fictional races can and do exist here, and the outskirts have no end. Magic, super science, aliens, Androids, super powered beings, fantastical creatures and monsters all live in and around the school. Your imagination is the only limit to what can be found here.

Non-Human Communities

There are innumerable races and communities around Larange City. Some are benevolent others hostile. The city and school ignore these communities unless the pose a threat to their interests.

The many and varied communities of the outskirts rang from tribal bands living in cave's to communes of self aware Androids living in high tech facilities. For the most part the communities stick to themselves.

Non-Human Students

Non-Human Students are permitted at Lamptons as long as they are of similar life span and appearance as humans. Students with long or short life spans tend to produce learning and discipline issues, as do students that are so different in appearance that they would require special accomodations to attend school.

Non-Human faculty

Non-Humans are permitted and encouraged to be faculty at Lamptons as long as they have reached their races age of majority, and are able to follow the schools rules. Again races requiring special accomodations to attend Lamptons will not be considered for facility positions.

Lamptons and Gender

Lamptons is not a progressive school and only acknowledges two genders. Male and Female. In order to be considered for admittance as a student or for a faculty position, you must have been born or permanently transformed into a female, with no indication of a Y Chromosome anywhere on your body. Genderless races and beings are considered female for the purpose of admittance, and must always be in a female form or dress while on school ground's.


Slavery is one of the many things that Larange City and the outskirts turn a blind eye on. Each community has it's own rules and laws some allowing it completely others outlawing it and setting any slaves found in their territory free. The ways to acquire or become a slave vary as much but as everything else.

One rule however does apply at Lamptons, no current student can be a permanent slave, if a student enters into a permanent slave contact, willingly or by force, they are no longer a student at Lamptons. Temporary submission as a slave for no more than 24 hours is permitted as long as it doesn't interfere with your duty to the school.


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