Talk:Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Allister Weir

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Hmmm... could work this in with the Sarah Harper storyline, making it so she was Allister's most recent victim. It would resolve a few things, one of those being how she was dating a guy for three months even with the school's strict rules on male involvement, another being how it is that the MC's mother with all her connections has not been able to find this boy yet. Answer, it's because it was actually a girl who seduced her and maybe the demon implanted false memories on her. Also, since the MC's mother is on the hunt for the attacker, it would eventually lead them to her. And, since the attack was recent, that means that the next one won't be for a while.

The one issue is that she was sexually assaulted when she was 12, but it could be argued she did not loose her virginity during the attack. Maybe the man who assaulted her had a huge cock that couldn't fit her pussy so forced her to perform oral. That would definitely fit for the trauma without having her loose her virginity. Jemini (talk) 05:58, 6 March 2020 (CET)

The man that assaulted Sarah may have only been able to do oral and anal sex and had to leave before he got to actually taking her virginity, as he was saving it for last.

Also there is no prohibition against the high school girls dating boys in town especially the Jr. and Sr. girls, the school even hosts mixers with the other local high schools. They just have a curfew.

There is also one very large elephant in the room, how did Alister an evil possessing entity with a demon attached to his soul get past the Moons? Telgar (talk) 21:15, 5 March 2020 (PST)