Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Amanda House

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Amanda House

Amanda House
High School Freshman



School Activities

Book Club, Library Aid, Debate Team, Assistant Sahbom for School Taekwondo class, Discipline Committee


Reading, Writing, Debate Team, Taekwondo


Amanda is a quiet mousy girl who spends most of her free time in the school library surrounded by fantasy and science fiction novels. She is unassuming and petite.

The only times she is not in the library is to participate in the schools Debate club, where she enjoys destroying the Deverux twins, while performing her duties as a member of the Discipline Committee, where she enjoys destroying the Deverux twins and when she has to fill in as assistant Sahbom for the schools small taekwondo dojo.

Sexual Knowledge

Amanda has no practical sexual knowledge, however she has extensive book knowledge on the subject. Since taking her sexual education class, she has been driven by her teenage hormones to become obsessed with learning more about the subject. However, she does not fully understand this drive. Despite all her research though, what she knows about sex is strictly clinical as her interests would not direct her toward the anime or other pop-culture material that would allow her to grasp more of the context around sexual behaviors, and she definitely has not seen or read any pornographic material. However, she has heard mention of porn and what it is, and she is curious.

Amanda has not expressed anything about her curiosity about sex, and from the outside nobody (except for those who have just enough general wisdom to realize all girls her age get such desires and curiosities) would even suspect she thinks about the subject due to the image she projects.

WIP Suggestions accepted.

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