Mother's Helping Hand/sight/Virgin/kinder/Dannie/Yes/goget

From All The Fallen Stories
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You look up from the little metal table filled with sexual accessories and into your mother's eyes. God she's gorgeous. you think to yourself. Where the fuck did that come from? you think just as quickly, your face turning red with embarrassment.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

You continue to stare into your mother's eyes as you blurt out, "Keep saying that and we're going to have to find a little girl named Penny." As soon as it leaves your mouth you turn even reader and quickly look away.

Your mother bursts out laughing,"oh my God, that was perfect. Perfectly timed, perfectly confident. Well until you fucked it up by looking away. More of that, son, it's confidence like that we're looking for." She replies, still chuckling. "But that wasn't your thought. Come on spit it out?"

You can't help but think, by the tone of her voice, that there is more than curiosity in the question. It's almost as if she already Knows the answer. "I was thinking about how gorgeous you are." You mumble towards your lap.

"What was that? Louder! And look at, me, when you say it." She stated with authority.

You look up at her and attempt to make eye contact, but only manage to look at her lips. She was smiling, one hand on her chin the other resting on the elbow of the other arm. "I was thinking about how gorgeous you are." You say with only a bit more conviction.

She smiles even brighter and throws her hands out in front of her. "See, that wasn't so hard was it. You're still alive, no lightning bolts from heaven. It's not that difficult to complement a woman." She chuckles to you. She then steps forward and leans in very close. She stares you directly in the eyes and says with a very husky tone and at barley a whisper. "But you're not ready for me yet. This body isn't for you... Not yet at least. Prove to me your worth... Maybe... Yeah let's leave it at maybe..." With that said she leans back up turns around and heads to her desk.

Your mind immediately goes into shock, Holy fuck... did my mother just...did she mean... no fucking way could she... that's Incest... but then... she's getting ready to help me seduce and fuck my cousin... that's Incest... Fuck she did... my mother just hinted that I might get a chance to fuck her... holy fuck that's hot

"So have you made a decision yet, or did I just fuck your brain as badly as you want to fuck my cunt?" She asks as she sits in her desk chair and crosses her legs facing you. She then leans forward rests her left elbow on her left knee, her hand folded against her chin as she stares at you seductively. "Come on we don't have all day, times a wasting and once class starts we won't be able to go and get her. Can't let that tight little thing slip away can we?"

You give a nervous gulp as you look at your mother in a completely different way, than ever before. "Um,yeah, let's go get her. She'll probably be ecstatic to see me."

"Good, now that that is out of the way, I'll just send a message to Ms. Moon and let her know to have Dannie waiting for a visitor, but not to tell her who her visitor is." She says as she turns to her computer. "Oh and before we go, I'd like to show you something else and ask you one more question."

You get up and walk over to her desk, you see her type out and send a quick message, then she opens the schools Student database. She navigates several folders and types in a password at three different points. Finally she clicks a link that brings up a picture of Dannie's smiling face. "Okay here we are," She states in the no nonsense business manner you're used to. "This is part of the schools medical database and legally I'm not supposed to let you view it, however, considering I'm about to help you fuck your six year old Cousin, I think we're already past the legal issue."

She clicks on a small arrow icon under the picture and it shifts to a full frontal shot of Debbie, standing naked in front of a white medical curtain. Your mom looks away from the image, towards you and motions to one of the chairs in the room. "Pull up a chair."

You quickly grab a chair and set it beside hers, you stare at the naked image of your cousin. Her flat chest, slightly pudgy tummy, and the slightly visible cleft of her vagina, between her legs. Your mom watches you stare at the image with a grin, then leans closer to you and whispers. "Just wait they get better."

She clicks the arrow icon and the image changes to a side profile with Dannie facing towards the right of the camera, another click and it is a close-up of her face in profile. Your mother clicks through a few more pictures, close-ups of Daniels arms; hands; legs; hips, which shows a nice profile of her little bubble but; legs and feet. The next set are identical to the Last but this time Dannie is facing left of the camera. The next is a rear profile, showing her delectable little ass. Then the close ups start again. First her face, then the back of her head; Her back; and then her chest, your mom stops at this point and lets you get a good look at Dannie's breast mounds and nipples. Next was the back and front of her legs and feet.

Then came the very interesting pictures the first was a close-up of Dannie's cleft while she was standing up; followed by another close up with her sitting down legs spread, giving a very good view of her little girl pussy, again your mom paused the slide show and let you admire your cousins virgin slut. The next image made you gasp, it was an even closer shot of her pussy, with the lips spread and her hymen clearly visible, again there was a pause, a little longer than the last one and then the show continued. The next image was Dannie again standing but was a close-up of her ass, followed by a close-up with her leaning over something, showing her ass and a little bit of her cleft underneath and lastly the same pose but an extreme close-up of her ass with her cheeks spread, Showing off her tight little virgin rosebud.

Your mom shuts down the slide show, then makes a few more clicks which brings up the two sitting close-ups of Dannie's pussy and the two bending over close-ups of her ass, then turns to you. "So which one do you want first. That tight little pussy, or that tiny little ass?"

You gape at the images, your cock rock hard in your pants, all doubt about what you are planning has fled your mind as you stare at those very erotic images.

You then decide: