Offline/You arrive at camp with Jet

From All The Fallen Stories
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Bags in tow, you hurriedly lead Jet and Hannah out through the brush and away from camp. It's an overgrown trail that leads out to the lonely little cabin lost in the wilderness, but you manage to stay on course and not get lost. After hiking for a few minutes you spot it through the trees just as you remembered it. Except it seems a bit smaller. And it looks even smaller after you step inside.

"What is this? A one person cabin?" gripes Jet.

So maybe it's not exactly as you remembered it.

"No, we'll all fit. I'm pretty sure."

Jet glances from corner to corner. "How sure is pretty sure?"


"Jet, don't be so dramatic! There's plenty of room," says Hannah as she bumps past both of you on her way in.

Despite the consternation, you all unpack your sleeping bags and orient yourself on the floor of the small cabin. There's enough room for you all to make your beds, but not much more than that. Despite Jet's objections, Hannah insists on sleeping between you two because she doesn't want to be under a drafty window. You doubt they're drafty at all, but if they are both you and Jet will be the chilliest. Meanwhile the door to the cabin is basically at her feet, a thin gap beneath it visible when you're laying down.

"Well I guess this is fine," comments Jet after you all spend a few minutes settling in and getting used to your very cozy accommodations.

"It's great! We should spend lots of time here!" replies Hannah, a bundle of positive energy. She hops beside her man, throws her arms around him and plants a big kiss on his cheek.

Hmm. You didn't really want them to spend their time out here. Maybe you can convince them to not do that.

"Okay, but you haven't even seen the rest of the camp yet! I can show you around!"

It's really clear that Jet isn't interested but Hannah, forever cheerful it seems, thinks it's a great idea and drags Jet back to camp with you leading the way. You're not a very good tour guide given that you were only here once several years ago, but you do your best to point out notable sights.

There's not a lot to show however given how run down the place is. The half dozen cabins dotted around the campsite are notably larger than the one you three will be sharing, some even having bedframes (albeit without mattresses), but they all vary in size and layout. There are multiple fire pits and rusty fire barrels (for garbage) but one large shared pit in the very center of camp. There's a good stretch of open land with some wispy trees separating the camp from the river and it's rocky beach, an otherwise solid treeline defining the edges of the campground that match up with the beach. You are sure to note the diving rock out in the river, the calm elbow of the river itself, and some overgrown trails that lead to nowhere on the opposite side of the camp from your cabin. All of it truly underwhelms them.

Your tour is cut short when all three of you are guilted into helping setup and clean up the campsite, especially having disappeared the moment you arrived. It's not like you had much left to cover on your tour, besides the outhouses, but it's still a bad way to end it. You and Jet both end up doing manual labour while Hannah somehow skirts responsibility by chatting with Jet's dad.

It's so late in the day when you arrived that you aren't even done setting up the camp by the time dinner gets started. It's nothing special really but everyone is happy just to be fed after a long ride out here and a bunch of work after. There's more work after dinner too, but when Uncle Dave pulls out his guitar everyone settles in to start enjoying themselves. Jet shows off his girlfriend to all of your relatives one by one, Hannah relishing the attention and trying extra hard to make a good impression.

Everyone is staying up late tonight, the adults drinking and the kids running around like tired animals, slowly giving in to their exhaustion as the night wanes. You cross paths with your cousin Nicole a few times, once on the way to the outhouse. Coming back from it, you can see her standing in the dark behind a row of folding chairs, her silhouette lit only by the orange light of the fire. You didn't even realize it was her at first and thought that she looked really pretty for a second. When you do realize it's her, those thoughts are ones you quickly push away, embarrassed to have had them.

After the younger kids have collapsed, Jet and Hannah announce they're going to hit the hay as well. Your mom pushes you to go with them so that you don't get lost in the dark. Your opinion doesn't matter apparently so neither you nor Jet likes this decision, but the three of you head back to your cabin and get ready for bed via flashlight. Admittedly it's going to be a little weird sleeping next to a girl, especially one as pretty as Hannah, but you do your best to not think about it lest you start your imagination running and keep yourself from sleeping.

Once inside your cabin, you strip down to your boxers and quickly slip into your sleeping bag. Jet does the same while Hannah shimmies out of her pants but keeps her shirt on. She thanks you again for sharing your cabin, kisses her boyfriend good night, then kills the last flashlight leaving you all to shift about in darkness. And of course after an exhausting day and a late night you immediately... find you can't sleep at all. After laying motionless for hours - or 20 minutes, somewhere in there - Jet starts whispering louder and louder.

"Hannah. Psst, hey, c'mon... Hannah, you're not sleeping. You said you would."

His girlfriend rolls over lazily. "Hmm?"

"Jesus, it wasn't even, like, 2 hours ago. You said you wanted to jump me later. You promised me you would."

"But I'm tired now."

"You said, 'I can't wait to do you later'. Exact words. So hurry up. Let's do this."

"You want to do it right next to..." She says it so quietly that her voice fades away.

"No, but I need it. It's been a whole week. I've been saving this for you. But I'm so fucking horny I just can't wait anymore."

"Well, yeah, but... what if he wakes up?"

"Then I'll kick his ass."

"You can't do that to your cousin!"

"Why not? If he's peeping on us."

"It's not his fault if he sees something. He's right beside us. But if he does see something he could tell someone. You okay with that?"

"Well then I'll fuck you against the wall so he can't see."

"Wow, you're so romantic. We're not doing that."

"Ugh," Jet groans in frustration. "Can you at least blow me or something? I want you so bad right now."

There's a brief silence followed by the shuffling of sleeping bags as Jet unzips his and Hannah crawls out of hers. You wait another minute or so before daring to stir and open your eyes. The first thing you notice in the sparsely moonlit room are the soles of Hannah's feet at rest next to your face. The next thing you notice is her ass. Bent over with her head inside Jet's sleeping bag, the underside of her white underwear seem unusually bright in the moonlight. Her shirt has risen just enough to offer a good view of her pantied pussy mound and most of her ass, her legs fortuitously spread for balance.

"Mmm. Yeah, take it. You love it, don't you?."

Jet keeps up a steady stream of whispered moans and comments for the next few minutes, voicing both appreciation and encouragement. You're all the way hard by the time Jet quietly grunts through an orgasm, but you don't dare move to do anything about it. Instead, you close your eyes tighter than ever. Once Jet is satisfied, you can hear the two of them make out for a few minutes, lips smacking loudly, and then the sound of zippers officially close out the day. It's extra hard falling asleep with a stiffy, but after another long stretch of laying perfectly motionless your mind and body give in and you drift away.

"Hey Jay! How'd you sleep?"

Poorly. You're barely awake. But the sun is already streaming through the windows as Hannah lets in more light along with some fresh air through the front door.

"Uhh, fine."

"Close the door..." whines Jet, turning to face the wall.

"Oh, sorry!" Hannah practically twirls inward through the doorway to close it then lays down, stretching herself out atop her sleeping bag but choosing to angle herself toward you. "I had to pee!" She makes a goofy face and smirks from her innocent admission before quickly moving on. "Did you have any dreams last night?"

"Um... yeah, I guess."

"What did you dream about?"

"Oh, I dunn-"

"Did you have any 'fun' dreams?" She continues, raising her eyebrows.


"Yeah! Like dreams where you're flying! Or..." she pauses a moment, playing with the zipper of your rucksack, moving it up and down a few times but leaving it more open than she found it, before finishing, "...or maybe fucking?"

There's that smirk again. She can be really forward. "What?"

"Oh, I dunno!" With a big smile, she writhes on her side to scooch in closer to you. "Maybe there's a girl in your class you really like that you like to dream about. And maybe you happened to dream about getting a blowjob. Or maybe about her giving a blowjob to som-"

"Hannah," interrupts Jet. "Shut up."

"I'm kidding! I mean, it was just a question! Has your cousin always been so angry?" she asks you. "He is really no fun sometimes."

Jet throws his arm over his face to block the sunlight. "And you don't know when to shut it."

"Of course I don't! It's more fun to open things!" Hannah folds down the top of your sleeping bag which she can only do thanks to her lowering your zipper a moment ago. "Oh no! I did it again!" She gives a playful look of shock when she exposes your bare chest then forces a laugh and rolls into you, placing her warm hand on your warm skin.

With Hannah laying next to you, staring at you with intense eyes and a naughty smile, and now touching your body, for a moment she feels like she's your girlfriend, with Jet being the jealous roommate. But you're not really sure if she's flirting with you or just enjoys making you uncomfortable. Maybe both? She 'intimately' chats with you for a while longer, complimenting you about your cabin choice, sharing a dream where she once rode a pegasus naked through her school, and just generally sharing and asking more than she ever should with her boyfriend's younger cousin, before rolling off of you onto her back. At this point she's no longer invading your space, but she hasn't left your side yet either.

Should you give up your cabin and leave to get out of this uncomfortable situation? Or should you hunker down and try to outlast Hannah so you can have your space to yourself?

Get dressed and go find breakfast

Hang out here for as long as you can