Talk:Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Dannie Martin

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I actually cried a little while writing up this child's Bio. She has become my favorite character and I will never write a corruption path for her, all her interactions with Jack will be filled with rainbows and unicorns. Telgar (talk) 02:09, 5 March 2020 (PST)

You gotta be careful writing for your favorite character, that's often a recipe for shallow 1-dimensional writing. Jemini (talk) 11:36, 5 March 2020 (CET)

I should probably make a more pointed statement than that. Your character bio on Dannie doesn't sound like a person. It sounds like the stuff people say about mentally handicapped children in order to emphasize the good points they have in order to counter-balance all the challenging points that everyone else sees because the more challenging points are the things that are obvious on the face. No real person is all the things you described Dannie as without a counter-balance. You might want to put a bit more thought into her character. She feels extremely incomplete at the moment. Jemini (talk) 12:58, 5 March 2020 (CET)

Okay a little behind the scenes info on little Dannie, she is an energy vampire, though no one except the Moons know this. As she currently is, she feeds off the negative emotions of those around her and converts it into energy and the positive energy she releases around herself. Or giving "buckets and buckets of Joy an Love." As she likes to call it. Helen an Sky spent a lot of time with her as they know with good strong mentorship she can be a powerful force for good. However if someone were to break her and steal her Joy, she will become a very powerful force for evil.

Because she is at a boarding school and is housed with a large number of children suffering from differing degrees of homesickness, she is constantly being fed negative energy and thus has become an overcharged battery of positivity.

In her current state it is virtually imposable for her to process or even deal with any negativity that she is exposed to, and like any drug, once the constant flow of energy is cut off or significantly diminished, all those negative things she has been ignoring around her will come flooding to the surface. Telgar (talk) 14:09, 5 March 2020 (PST)

Ok, yeah, that makes things a little more interesting and explains a lot. (Kinda important information to know for anyone else who plans to write for her.) Jemini (talk) 23:43, 5 March 2020 (CET)

Yeah that's one of the flaws of my world building is when I write things up I like to drop hints but rarely straight out say what is going on preferring the background stuff to develop naturally. Probably why I am so vague in the bios and lore pages but give more details in discussion, most readers won't look at the discussion, so the mystery is maintained until it's revealed in the story. But a habit that is not good for collaboration.

As for her breaking, the most likely culprit to come close would be her mother. Currently Jack loves her too much to hurt her. Telgar (talk) 14:50, 5 March 2020 (PST)

I wouldn't make Dannie a zero, she has to have seen her mother torment her dad sexually on accident, so she has seen a penis. Telgar (talk) 04:13, 10 March 2020 (PST)