Mother's Helping Hand/School/Religions/Aedificator

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The One

Aedificator is the primary religion of Zorn, Officin and beings who work with Techno-magic or robotics. Aedificator generally takes the form of an attractive female humanoid Android with red eyes, blue hair and pale skin. Aedificators Religion preaches cooperation and integration between artificial life forms and organic life forms, individual freedom and opposes slavery in all its forms.

The Church of Aedificator does not discriminate within it's clergy or followers, all races and sexes are permitted to belong and hold positions within it's ranks.

Forgmaster: The Forgemaster is the final rule and authority over the entire church.

The current Forgemaster in charge of the church of Aedificator is, a Gnome named Harvey Gloomstone.

The Forgemaster is an elected lifetime position, chosen by the heads of the two Orders. The Forgemaster disavows all vows and ties to they're previous Order and officially belong to all and none.

Religious Orders

The church of Aedificator is broken down into two primary Religious Orders: The Order of the Forge and The Order of Freedom.

Most members of the orders join at around the age of ten, when the first tiers are allowed to begin field training with a trainer, however it is not unheard-of for children as young as five to join the Orders, especially orphans. First tier recruit's finish official training at fifteen, begin doing field work alone or in small groups, and begin the self training phase.

Tier advancement is based solely on merit.

Order of The Forge

Order of Freedom
