Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/MC/Low Magic/Probe/Agree/Porn/Blk-eye-Julie/Sex/Blood

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 10:58, 30 March 2020 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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An idea crosses your mind on how you can play this. "It's just, umm... sometimes this can damage a girl inside." You say, and then pull your softening dick out. It's quite prominently coated with a fine ring of blood circling the area just behind the head. Both girls look at it with wide eyes and then immediately sit up to look at Julie's crotch. In doing so, a bunch of pink-tinged semen is forced out of her vagina causing her to gasp and press both hands into her crotch.

"Is it bad!?" Jane asks in a panicked voice.

"I.. I don't know!" Julie says with her voice trembling. "What... what's this white stuff!?"

"Calm down." You say. "Remember? There was some that came out of the girl in the video too. That's... that's what a penis is supposed to do when you put it inside a girl, it puts that white stuff inside her."

They both glanced up to your dick for a moment before looking back down at Julie's crotch. Now Julie was holding her hands out and staring down at the stuff coming out of her and the streaks of red and pink mixed in. She started to look quickly between you and her sister, and then suddenly a wicked grin appeared on her face. "It... it's got all this blood mixed in though!" She said "What if master really cut me bad inside!? We can't even tell!" Something seems really off about how she's saying this, and she keeps looking intently at her sister the whole time. Then, suddenly she grabs her crotch harder. "Oh no! It hurts! It hurts so bad!" She says something that's way too exaggerated for this long after loosing her virginity. You are starting to catch on, but Jane seems to be entirely taken in by her sister's acting.

Jane looks quickly between you and her sister, the fear on her face is growing more and more real. "Mmm... ma.. master! What..." She looks completely torn on whether or not to ask you for help. Well, at the very least, this little incident has shown you that they do at least have some kind of twisted love for each other deep down when they think the other is actually seriously injured. It does not look like the thought of reveling in her sister's pain has even crossed Jane's mind right now.

You are supposed to be giving them a cruel act here, right? It doesn't seem right, but maybe things will be better in the long run if you continue.

You don't like this at all, try to calm the situation down