Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/MC/Low Magic/Probe/Agree/Porn/Blk-eye-Julie/Sex/Blood/Stop/Clothes

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Yes, you can go ahead and get dressed." You tell her.

"Th... thank you master." She says. "Umm... do you need us for anything? Are you going to want to punish us again soon?"

"Uhh... no, I don't need you." You answer the naked pre-teen's question. Their unusual behavior is really making them a bit of a handful. Yes, they DID let you have sex with them without complaining, but it still somehow felt like absolutely everything was going wrong. You don't want to mess with this any more until your mother gets home.

"Alright, ummm... and what about if we need to use the toilet?" She asks.

"Well, the bathroom's right here." You tell her, indicating the bathroom you just came out of.

"It's Ok for us to use the bathroom?" Jane asked with a smile on her face.

"Uhh... yeah?" This seemed like a pretty strange reaction.

"Ok! Thank you master!" She says and then quickly runs back to your room. Once again, you feel like you are seriously missing something. Well, you don't really want to deal with it now.

You decide to go down stairs and watch some TV. You half expected the girls to come downstairs after a little while, but you didn't even hear anything that could have been them talking to each other. It was almost as if they weren't even in the house. Just as you were getting worried and about to go up and check on them, the front door opens and your mother walks in.