Daycare manager/2nd draft/Hannah Marshal/Take

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright Hannah, do you want to go to the play room and see some toys?" You ask her. She turns to you and takes a step backward. She holds her wrist and shakes her head. You sigh at how she's being difficult. What can you do here? You can't just leave her in the entry way, so you go ahead and grab her wrist and drag her along behind you anyway. "Come on Hannah, you can't be like that." You scold her as you pull her along. "Let's go to the play room." She resists you for a few steps, but after that she stumbles as she tries to keep up with you pulling her arm.

"Alright, here you go." You tell her, indicating all the toys (if 2 or more other children are present) and the other children playing with some of them. The other kids stop for a moment to look over and see the new girl. "Ok, I'm going to be in my office for a while. You can have fun here all you like (if other children are present) ,and try to be friends with (the other children/(insert name of the single other child present if only 1 other child is present.)

(Distress +1 per 3 other 3 children, round down and minimum 1 if there are zero other children.)

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