Last Boy/Go with your mom

From All The Fallen Stories
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You follow your mom as she quickly navigates the corridors of the bunker that has been the only home that you have ever known. It is very old, having been build for the Xar'eth war over three hundred years ago, but it is still strong, secure, and most importantly secluded. Your physical training comes in handy, and you are easily able to keep pace with your mother. She suddenly stops and pushes you against the wall as some of the security personnel pass by.

The security personnel had always made you feel safe . . . and somewhat horny, as their armor was rather form fitting and sexy on their tight, military-trained bodies. Now you had to hide from them. It boggles the mind how quickly your lot in life has changed in such a short span of time. You don't have long to think about it however before you are on the move once again.

It isn't long before you approach the entrance to the escape tunnels. You hear fighting ahead, and your mother takes you to some cover. Just in front of the hatch to the tunnels, your father is fighting three guards. They are all using stun batons . . . they probably don't want to use their lethal plasma pistols on one another. You dad is a highly trained woman; having been in the special forces of the Space Marines before she joined the project that spawned you. Your security guards are similarly trained. Your mother, however, has no training in combat what-so-ever; though her IQ scores off the chart. You have had combat training, however. Maybe you should help?

What do you do?