Last Boy/Help dad fight

From All The Fallen Stories
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You didn't go through all that training for nothing. Besides, the guards have armor and your father doesn't. You quickly rush into the foray, deftly avoiding your mother's attempts to stop you. You run toward the guards, and execute a flying kick, just like your sensei taught you.

The guards are caught off-guard, and you impact on the nearest guard with a the ringing thunk as your foot collides with the alloy of her armor. Your kick sends her careening into her fellow guard, and they both find themselves on the ground. The guard you kicked dropped her stun baton, and you take the opportunity to retrieve it.

You father takes the advantage and quickly renders the standing guard unconscious. You are both standing ready as the fallen guards regain their feet, and make quick work of the pair.

"Talor," says your dad as she hugs you close, "you shouldn't have done that kiddo. You could have been hurt!"

You are a bit distracted by her breasts pressed against you; but manage to squeak out, "But I've had plenty of combat training daddy. You needed help."

"Fine Taylor," she says, "but keep in mind that not everyone we face will have orders to keep you alive." She then turns to your mother. "Gita, do you think you can hack their armor?"

She gives your father a stern look. "Who do you think you're talking to?" she asks; then makes quick work of removing the guards' armor.

You cant help but stare at their nearly naked bodies as your parents don the armor. One of the guards wasn't even wearing a bra.

"Taylor," says your dad, "get that armor on."

"Yes daddy," you reply quickly. You take off your dress and shoes, and don the armor. The smart-garment quickly shrinks to fit your pubescent male form. It's pretty tight in the crotch with your raging boner, but otherwise is quite comfortable.

Your dad hands you and your mother a plasma pistol, and gives your mother a stun baton. She keeps the spare baton and pistol for herself.

"Alright, let's go," she says in a commanding voice.

What do you do?

Taylor Newman Equipment:
Health 100% Pink Panties (equipped), Kneesocks (equipped), Combat Armor (equipped), Stun Baton, Plasma Pistol, Pretty Pink Dress, Pink Running Shoes.
Fatigue 25%
Arousal 60%
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