JoS/Henriette/7th Journal - The Ultimate Crime

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Evening Star, 4th, 4E 201

First thing I saw when I entered Solitude was a public execution being held. There was also some Argonian lowlife trying to recruit me into his crazy plan of putting out the fire on a lighthouse. Yeah, talk about first impressions. Apart from that, this seems like a really charming city. The market district especially made a good impression on me, bought a really beautiful ring for myself. People seem to generally be very kind as well. Lot of people here need help with all kinds of small tasks in general. Well, it never hurts picking up some bounties and such, so I made sure to remember the words of those in need.

I also ended up visiting the Bard's College. They were very, very interested in me. Obviously. How could they not after hearing how well I could sing a little song? I may have the voice of a dragon, but I still sound sweet like an angel, and I'm charming beyond measure… One wink of an eye and boys start falling like dominoes. Don't mean to blow my own horn or anything… Oh, who am I kidding, I know I'm amazing.

It's also the first time in a long while since I felt like a kid. There's a lot of children here on the streets and I ended up playing with them for few hours. Getting to relax like that was really great, and I guess children here were happy to have a new playmate as well. All that running around in the sun made me weak and tired though, hungry as well, and even a little horny. These young boys happen to be quite handsome, so who can blame me?

When it was getting late, I had already decided on who I will seduce: Kayd. He had been eyeing my body up and down while blushing. I guess he's not used to seeing young girls in skimpy leather armor. Svari and Minette both warned me about Kayd, saying he likes to play rough. Oh, you handsome little Casanova, have you played rough with those two cuties? I was happy to become his next conquest.

We were playing hide and seek, I was constantly trying to make sure he was "it". When I eventually succeeded, I told him where I'd be hiding, and that if he wanted to play something more exciting, he'd come to me first. And so, as soon as he came down that back alley behind Bard's college, I stole a long, wet kiss from him and we both stripped naked. He was really insistent on doing it in my butt and wouldn't you know it, he gave me the best anal ever. Never thought I would be able to come just from that, but I did.

Now I'm gonna stay at the inn. I'm going to leave tomorrow, as I need to get back to work. I should really visit the Sanctuary, as I've completed both my assignments, and I still have that one task from the Night Mother I want to do that Astrid didn't let me complete the first time around…

Evening Star, 6th, 4E 201

Dear diary, if you're getting tired of everything going my way recently, boy do I have a story to share with you.

We left Solitude and decided to travel by foot as has become normal for us. The journey through the night was very peaceful, the worst we encountered were wolves and bears, never had any trouble with wild animals. But as the morning came, it started getting very bright very fast and we just had to seek shelter.

It seemed like an unassuming little cave, filled with wild animals. There were absolutely no signs of any civilized life anywhere. As we ventured deeper and further inside though, we were ambushed from behind by a group of Vampires living in this cave. Sofia escaped as soon as she was able to, which I'm glad about. We've had to make some new arrangements for our journey so we can help each other in case one of us is captured. It didn't work out this time though, so I have to weather this storm alone.

Anyway, at first, they seemed happy to be getting visitors, as they were probably hungry for blood or something, but when they realized that I was a Vampire myself, they decided to feast on me using other methods. In other words, all six of them gangraped me.

They took my precious Ebony Bow and my armor as well, but they didn't leave me naked. They locked me in ballet boots that are really, really hard to walk in, and made sure to collar my neck as well. They also gave me one lasting gift that I'm going to now carry rest of my life with me, pierced nipples. I'm not sure if I have any tools I can use to remove the rings on my nipples, but… At least it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. These piercings are really just metal. I've heard that some of them have even Soul Gems attached to them… I'm glad I have nothing like that stuck on me. The idea of having my chest stimulated with magic doesn't sound very pleasant.

Then, they dragged me deep into the cave, where I've been all day… And what a long day it has been… I should probably be sleeping while I can, because there's constantly someone here. Even when they leave me alone like now, they stuff plugs between my legs and lock them in with a chastity belt. It's so tight around my waist… Pulling it up is impossible, and down over my hips? Forget about it. What's even worse, they force-feed me Skooma to intoxicate me and make my body even more sensitive. When they return, they remove them, only to rape me. They actually are making me want to like this, trying to enchance my pleasure… But I'm not willing to give in.

I heard them talking a while back, that the sun is setting, which means that they'll go out hunting. Well, it was almost morning when I made it here… Maybe that's why they were able to ambush me? They were returning from a successful hunt. Well, nighttime will be my best chance at escape, but I don't have anything to use to break free from this cage, if it even is possible to pick. It looks sturdy and tough to break.

Either that or Sofia getting some help. She's still out there somewhere, and I know that she knows I'm still here.

Evening Star, 7th, 4E 201

I was able to sneak a lockpick into my cage. They must've not predicted such a cunning move on my part. Then, I went on to stick it inside, I was as careful as I could be, and still, even still, I broke that flimsy piece of crap in half. Well, there went my first attempt at escape… Not that I would've made it too far anyway.

I tried to dispose of the broken lockpick by throwing it somewhere where I hoped they wouldn't find it… Never did I think that there would be an old helmet hiding in there. Obviously it made some nasty noise too, which alerted everyone in the cave. I received some pretty rough spanking and whipping in return, and they kept edging me by playing around with the plugs, but didn't drive me over the edge. It… It was so maddening, I was in literal tears…

Evening Star, 8th, 4E 201

Something unexpected happened today, and as a result of it, I was saved.

It was the Dawnguard. Five of their members recruits were in the area, and they had tracked down the gang of Vampires who have terrorized the citizens in this area. They found me too, but thankfully, they didn't recognize me. They asked me, how long have I been here, and where I'm from. I said just one day and Dragon Bridge, after which they gave me a potion of cure disease. Well, it didn't end up doing anything to me, but they don't have to know that. They even helped me get out of all these restraints and gave me a blanket to wear. After that, they escorted me to Dragon Bridge.

At that point, I was a little scared, because it was going to become apparent that I wasn't from the Dragon Bridge. I thought about escaping, but that would raise suspicions too. Thankfully, Sofia was in Dragon Bridge, and when she happily announced that "she was so worried and was glad that I was back", the Dawnguard simply left, and that was that.

Well, then I realized that I had a huge problem. Either my stuff is still inside that cave, or the Dawnguard looted it as treasure. Me and Sofia went back to the cave to check, and thankfully the Dawnguard had prioritized returning me home instead of staying to pick up items. Some of my items were missing sadly, like all of my money, but on a flipside we found some extra stuff from the Vampires as well.

I cannot overcome my biology sadly, but I still have much room for improvement. I keep getting lucky with how my captors treat me and with other adventurers helping me, but that won't last forever. I need to get stronger.