Last Boy/Negotiate a compromise

From All The Fallen Stories
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You don't really see a way out of this, but you also don't like the idea of being used as a living sperm bank. Maybe there's another way.

Suddenly is comes to you. You draw your plasma pistol and put the barrel to your temple.

"Taylor No!" screams you mother, as many of the guards gasp in surprise.

"Bold move," says Director Shaw, "but we can't just let you walk out of here. Besides, I doubt very much that you're willing to kill yourself at ten years old."

"If the only other option is to be treated as a sperm factory, I think I'd be better off testing the possibility of an afterlife," you reply as you extricate yourself from the naked guard and stand. Your boner is still proudly standing tall, and you make a conscious decision to point it right at the director.

Director Shaw chortles a bit, then says, "I suppose we could talk about your situation a bit, young man. What do you want; the opportunity to continue to apply your sperm directly?"

"Well," you say, quickly going over the possibilities in your mind, "First let my parents go."

She motions to the guards. "Release the Newmans," she commands. They seem a bit hesitant, but release their hold on you parents. "There Taylor," she says, "what else."

"I want to be free to come and go as I please."

"That's not going to happen. How about we let you go on the occasional planned excursion . . . accompanied by guards, of course? You'd have to request it ahead of time so that we could make arrangements for your security."

"Fair enough," you reply. "This one is non-negotiable. Me and my parents will be armed at all times. It's the only way I'll feel safe that you'll keep your end of the bargain."

"It's my parents and I . . . but very well," she says, then nods to the guards. "Give them their weapons." The guards reluctantly give your parents their weapons back. "Is that it?"

"No, I want to do the breeding myself. No harvesting my sperm."

"That's not acceptable," she says, frowning. "How about we allow you to have sex, but you will also be required to provide sperm?"

"Okay fine," you say, "but I want to be allowed to breed anyone in the bunker that I want to."

She thinks for a moment then says, "You'll need to give us a few weeks to transfer anyone that isn't willing to be bred."

"Fair enough," you reply.

"Are those all your demands, young man?"

Well, are those all of your demands?

Taylor Newman Equipment:
Health 100% Pink Panties (partially equipped), Kneesocks (equipped), Combat Armor (equipped), Stun Baton, Plasma Pistol (ready), Pretty Pink Dress, Pink Running Shoes.
Fatigue 50%
Arousal 100%
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