Legal/Sex is legal for girls of all ages

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 17:29, 4 March 2016 by ImBatman (talk | contribs)
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Right! You immediately run to your computer and got to Pornhub. Holy shit! There's girls of every age on here getting fucked like it's totally normal! You see a thumbnail of a cute little blonde girl no older than 7 spreading her ass. Next to that one is a thumbnail of a 12 year old in a gangbang. Your dick has been hard since you woke up but now you cant control it. You have to go out and see for yourself!

Where do you go?

Elementary School (you're a teacher's assistant)

Porn shop

Strip Club

To your 9 year old sisters room

To your little brothers room

To your moms room to see if "all" sex is legal