A World of Cubby Sex/Male Teen/Skunk/Weekend/work/boy

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 06:49, 5 March 2016 by Medici (talk | contribs)
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Ah now you remember you are watching young Ty Bunston. His parents are going on a trip and won't be back till Monday afternoon. You arrive just as Mr. and Mrs. Bunston are packing the last of their bags. Mr. Bunston gives you some money to do things with Ty like going to the arcade, ordering pizza, and the like. His father also asks you be gentle with him if you play any games of what used to be considered adult nature. You blush a little. You had no intention of doing anything like that but its good to know the parents don't seem to mind. After they have finished packing the parents lead you back into the house and into the front room. There you see the most adorable bunny cub you have ever met. Little six year old Ty Bunston is dressed in a red shirt and bluejeans

"Ty this is Augustus. He will be watching you for the weekend and making sure you get to school on Monday. Now give mommy a goodbye kiss."

(WIP - Medici)