Generations/Lore/Template Format

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 21:48, 9 March 2016 by Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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The template is to be added to every story page of Generations except the first page. It is to be located at the bottom of the page after all of the story elements and choices. The following is how you put the Template into the story:


Every field should be filled, even if it is with None. The template should only change from the previous page when an element of the story has caused a change one of the fields. Changes are reflected on the page on which they occur, not the page after it. The fields should have no spaces between the equal sign and the field value. The fields should be filled out as follows:

  • Gen=(This field is for the generation number of the chosen. It starts with One and proceeds to Ten. The generation number should be spelled out and capitalized.)
  • Name=(This field is for the First and Last name of the current chosen. Middle names and titles should not be present. The name should be a link to the chosen's character sheet. e.g. [[Generations/Character Sheet/Jaedyn Farmer|Jaedyn Farmer]])
  • Age=(This is for the current age of the current chosen. The format is ##y ##m ##d. This should be increased for time passed in the story. Days are added if the midnight threshold is passed. There are 13 months with 28 days in each month (13x28=364). When the days pass 28, add a month and reset the days to 01. When the months pass 13 add a year and reset the months to 1. Ignore the extra day each year (two every four years) that it would have if the planet were Earth.)
  • Gender=(This is for the gender of the current chosen. This should be capitalized.)
  • Race=(This is for the race or race combination of the current chosen. The race name(s) should be a link to the lore page(s) of the race(s) that comprise the chosen.)
  • Class=(This is for the social class of the current chosen. Social classes differ by culture, and can be found on the Realms Page.)
  • Body=(This is for the body attribute description for the current chosen. It should be the same as is present on the current chosen's character sheet, unless it has been somehow altered through powerful means within the story. Normally this only changes between generations. It should consist of the name of the value followed by the numeric value in parentheses ie. Superb (7).)
  • Mind=(This is for the mind attribute description for the current chosen. It should be the same as is present on the current chosen's character sheet, unless it has been somehow altered through powerful means within the story. Normally this only changes between generations. It should consist of the name of the value followed by the numeric value in parentheses ie. Superb (7).)
  • Spirit=(This is for the spirit attribute description for the current chosen. It should be the same as is present on the current chosen's character sheet, unless it has been somehow altered through powerful means within the story. Normally this only changes between generations. It should consist of the name of the value followed by the numeric value in parentheses ie. Superb (7).)
  • Abilities=(This should be a list of links to the ability lore page or race page of each ability that the current chosen possesses, separated by commas. Unless something drastic has happened in the story, the first entry should be Divine Spark which is: [[Generations/Lore/Abilities/Divine Spark|Divine Spark]])
  • Mate=(This is a list of links to the character sheets of the mate(s) of the character, separated by commas. This is mates in the reproductive sense, not the current chosen character's friends. If the mate has a special relationship with the current chosen character, this can be noted after the link in parentheses. For example: Eloise Farmer (Sister) or Cinder (Master).)
  • Kids=(This is a list of links to the character sheets of the current chosen's children, separated by commas.)

The easiest way to get this right is to copy the template from the page before the one you are currently working on, then make any changes that have occurred during the page you are working on.