Wish/Matthew/Daniel's House/Cuddling Allorah/Pursue her freedom

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I do have a plan to get you free," you say, "or at least a plan to keep the ring with me so you are as close as you can be to free with the ring around."

She sit upright, your cock still implanted in her girlhood, and looks into your face from above. The movement elicits a response from your cock, and you start to get hard once again. "You do," she says, "what is it?"

"Well," you say, trying to ignore your increasing erection, "that's the thing. I need to know a bit more to finalize my plan."

"I'll help however I can," says Allorah. "But if you keep getting hard in me this is going to be a short talk."

"I can manage if you can," you say with a smirk.

"Then ask your questions," she says, contracting the muscles of her vagina around your cock.

"Umm yeah," you say, suppressing a grunt, "does the ring track down Akbar's bloodline, or his heir. It's very important that I know the specifics."

"It tracks his bloodline. It is specific to his descendants."

"I was afraid of that. Next, in most Arabic society a woman's husband inherits all of her assets when they marry. Does the magic of the ring work like that?"

"Yeees," she says slowly, "if Akbar's descendant is married, the ring would go to her husband. I know what you're thinking of doing." She looks apprehensive. "It won't work."

"Why won't it work?" you ask.

"I - it's just . . . it won't work. But you're going to do it anyway." She climbs off of your cock, then off the bed. You instantly miss the feeling of being inside her, but the mood is completely gone. She stares down at her feet and sighs. "You already have. We might as well get this over with."

"If you don't want me to do it-" you say.

"It doesn't matter," she says. "You already have. Just do it."

A bit apprehensive yourself, you put on your clothes. Allorah gets dressed as well. Once you are both dressed, you reach back in time to the last female descendant of Akbar moments before she dies. You can feel her temporal presence, a mere child at about six years old. You draw her through time to stand in front of you. She is young and beautiful, but for some reason is covered in blood and sobbing uncontrollably. You are completely at a loss as you stare at the mess of a child. You're mind won't let you process what is in front of you; so you stand there frozen.

Suddenly, a younger version of Allorah dressed in an outfit identical to the one you met her in, but made for her smaller size, appears from thin air. She floats about three feet off the ground and her eyes literally glow a fiery red. Actual flames frame her eyes as she stretches her hand toward the last descendant of Akbar. She suddenly closes her fist, and the child explodes into a mass of blood and flesh. As quickly as she came, the younger Allorah vanishes into nothingness. You stand there, covered in gore, unable to move as your mind processes what you have just experienced.

The door flies open, and Daniel appears in the opening. Upon seeing the room, he stops in his tracks and quietly closes the door without saying a word.

"You," you say, finally finding the power of speech, "you killed them all."

"I - I manipulated my master," she says, sobbing lightly, "into wishing that all those who shared Akbar's blood were dead. I - I - I let him think he could keep the ring if - if - if it had nowhere to go . . . but then I had to - had to - had to -"

You grab her, and pull her into a tight embrace. You ignore the gore as you try your best to comfort your young wife. "I'm so sorry. I regret that you had to go through that. It wasn't your fault. You just made a mistake. You have suffered enough. You can let it go now. I love you. Nothing you do will ever change that."

She sobs in your arms as you speak words of comfort to her. You are there for what seems like hours until she cries herself to sleep. You reverse the effect of time on the room until the gore is completely gone, then tuck Allorah back into the bed. You suppose she'll sleep for a while. What should you do in the meantime?

What will you do in the meantime?

Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 45
Ethnicity: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 221
Measurements: 48/42/45 - 5"c
Hair: Black with Dyed Green Mohawk
Eyes: Hazel-green
Skin: Lightly Freckled Caucasian
Reflexes: 5 Strength: 7 Resilience: 12
Dexterity: 5 Speed: 6 Stamina: 9
Health: 92%
Perception: 10 Knowledge: 15 Willpower: 10
Logic: 11 Wit: 13 Focus: 11
Intellect: 82%
Empathy: 5 Presence: 7 Confidence: 10
Charisma: 5 Rapport: 6 Influence: 8
Sanity: 56%
Wishes 4 out of 7 wishes remaining
  1. I wish to instantly and irrevocably gain the ability to perceive, understand, and manipulate the thoughts, emotions, memories, and skills of any being through an act of will on my part without detrimental effects to myself. (Due to wording he cannot use the power on himself.)
  2. I wish to instantly and irrevocably gain the ability to manipulate the temporal nature of all objects, organisms, and locations with absolute precision to the greatest extent that you are able to confer to me, by using an act of will on my part.
  3. I wish that anyone of any age or species that is not already pregnant and gets my sperm in their vagina would get pregnant with my child, and be able to give birth safely for both the mother and child.
  • Married to you under Jinn Law.
  • Pregnant with your child.

That was some horrific shit, there goes some sanity sanity and intellectual capacity.