Incest Seduction/You're okay, just tired

From All The Fallen Stories
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You shudder and twitch, barely in control of your body. In reality you're all sorts of fucked up, but you can't let her know that. You're not gonna start crying over an orgasm like some little girl.

"O-k-kay... tired..."

"I can tell! But you're amazing! You're just a purring little sex kitten aren't you?" She reaches up to pet your hair and pulls out your now messy ponytail, sending your hair cascading freely over your shoulders. "I bet you've been waiting your whole life to cum like that. But it gets even better! Just imagine what it'll be like once I make you squirt!"

You stare blankly as she smiles at you. She's serious. She wants to keep going. The corners of your mouth curl upward, your nostrils flare and you giggle softly, uncontrollably. It's not even funny, but it's so funny. Is this what hysteria feels like?

Stacy runs the back of her hand down your front, glancing off a nipple and rubbing your stomach. "That's my girl! Purr kitten, purr!"

"I told you, I don't think she can," remarks Richard, stretching. He receives a glare from his wife. "Er, but... what now?"

Stacy stands, strolling over to the table to drop off your empty cup and take another sip from her own, giving her time to ponder this tricky question. You ponder how many more times you have to cum to make her happy. She looks you over contemplatively as if thinking the same. You glance at the kids, the cute pair following their mom as she comes closer to you.

After some very serious thought she plants her hands on her hips. "Alright, we're doing this," announces Stacy. "Sit back down," she directs her husband.

Richard nods. "I'll grab a fresh condom first."

Stacy grabs his arm before he can walk away, deftly strips the rubber off of his erect cock, then points him at the chaise. "I said sit!"

Richard grins. "Yes ma'am!"

The two of them stand you up to make room. You're still softly giggling in short fits like some maniac. Richard takes your spot and Stacy pushes you onto his lap like before. You're not really helping this time. You're practically limp. Richard is forced to hoist you up like a child, tucking his hands into your armpits. Stacy then grabs his cock to help line him up under you. But she isn't guiding him to your ass anymore. She's going for your pussy.

Once that bulbous head of Richard's member splits your labia your giggling tapers off. It's suddenly all real again. Stacy is on all fours to help guide you, insisting Richard go slowly. Meanwhile Aidan whispers to his sister and they crouch down behind their mother.

You keep clenching down with vice like strength as Richard enters you. It's mostly because your lips are starting to feel sore and you instinctively react to protect yourself, but part of you is excited to have a penis inside you again so you squeeze even tighter wanting to feel every little vein and bump as he creeps deeper.

"Ohmygod are you tight. I know, I know, this is your first time. I also know how good this'll feel, skin to skin, jussa raw cock in your virgin vajayjay. Don't worry. We'll be gent-"

Stacy cuts herself off, one of her eyes twitching as her head tilts. Aidan and Kalli have parked themselves behind their mother again and are doing something to get their mother's attention. Kalli is sitting front row center to the pussy show, Aidan reaching past her to help. After a moment of silence from Stacy you notice a buzz in the air but spot the wand beside you on the couch. Is Kalli...

"Doesn't it tickle mommy?" asks Kalli, enthralled to share her new toy with her mom.

"Mmhmm." Stacy nods, closing her eyes. She lowers her back, rotating her pelvis towards her kids, before she catches herself to breathe again. "It does. It tickles so good."

Stacy drifted closer to you while she was coping with her kids' surprise. Once she opens her eyes again she's close enough that it's trivial for her to lean in for another tonguing. And she does just that, this time laying long licks up from her husband's balls, along his exposed shaft and up onto your tiny clit. He flexes inside you every time she travels up the underside of his broad shaft, which makes her finishing on your clit that much sweeter, a treat inside and out.

"Aww, fuck me, Stacy. That feels crazy."

"No, you fuck her!" Stacy says with a giggle.

Richard dutifully follows orders. Flexing his butt like he did just minutes ago, he pushes slow little micro thrusts up into your pussy, allowing Stacy to continue licking. The two of them together make magic happen inside you. It's as if Stacy is worshipping you with Richard acting as your throne. If they're treating you like a queen then your pussy is a princess, ready for her first coronation.

Stacy's slow sensual lapping at your lips makes you gush with excitement. Your pubescent juices trickle their way out from inside you, down Richard's tenacious erection, gradually coating him and allowing him to slide deeper and more freely into your aching little slit. Several minutes of this loving, calm, attentive, measured approach eases you into a near tantric state, your head rolling about, tossing your hair, nipples hard as diamond, practically drooling your mouth has been open so long.

"Mom, I just want you to do that thing you did before. When you were excited."


"But to Kalli."

Stacy looks up at you with a grin then peers back over her shoulder. "Well... Kimmy is busy, but you can give me a hand. Just... do your best."

Aidan starts whispering and convinces his sister to donate her arm again. This time you watch him fervently stuff his little sister's hand up inside his mother. Stacy grunts and moans her approval but, once filled, Aidan leaves Kalli to pump into mommy all by herself while he holds the vibrator underneath Kalli's arm. That is really fucked up. Gazing thirstily at the kids you feel yourself gush again.

"I want it..."

Stacy doesn't reply at first. She has her eyes closed again, so Richard pipes up. "Kimmy?"

"Gimme the stupid toy. I wanna cum again."

"You shouldn't say stupid," replies Kalli.

"Just keep going honey," Stacy replies, handing you the wand almost blindly. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

You fiddle with the settings on the wand then turn it on. A familiar but less intense buzzing is added to the one already in the air. You bring it to your clit then gasp and slide it off of you. Even a lower setting makes you push it away. But you end up sliding it down onto Richard's shaft. Pressing it against him still lets you feel it but turns his whole dick into a vibrator as you experience his meaty member shivering inside your seizing little hole.

"Ah shit," he grumbles. You're not sure if he likes the vibe or not, but he starts fucking you harder in response, maybe to shake it off. You keep it pressed against him for a while, just enjoying the dulled sensations of the vibe through his shaft. For a second you contemplate turning it up on him to see what that feels like, but you do still want to get this thing on your clit again.

Releasing a deep breath before holding the next one, you prepare yourself. Sliding the head back up Richard's shaft, you find your stretched lips followed by your overeager joy button. You know the wand is nowhere near as strong this go around, but it's like you have vibe PTSD. As soon as you place it over your clit you jump. It takes a couple attempts before you let it sit there to purr away diligently to do its job. But as soon as you get accustomed to what it's doing to you it's no longer enough. You flick it to the next setting, and then the next, building your tolerance to its intensity until it's back to where Stacy had it originally.

"Attagirl... you show that pussy..."

Stacy mumbles her words while staring straight at the wand but she could just as easily be talking to Kalli. The latter seems more likely when Stacy starts to moan and jerk. She grabs at your legs and hangs her head, her back dropping even lower.

"Ffffuh... fuck, fuck, ooh FUUUCK! PULL OUT!!"

Kalli stops moving her arm, her eyes popping, worried she did something wrong. Aidan quickly yanks his sister's arm back, Kalli's elbow already dripping fluid. The instant she's out Stacy shakes, her mother's pussy exploding right in her face. Stacy turns on the hose and drenches her little girl directly onto her young features with a long sustained blast of liquid cunt. The shock on Kalli's face as she's blasted is instantly unforgettable. The small girl drowns in her mother's cum.

"Aww shit," repeats Richard. He's watching with you from over your shoulder. Aidan seems very happy now that his sister has received the same treatment he did even if he got hit by a lot of this as well. As Kalli gasps and starts blinking, her mother shuddering, you can feel Richard flexing again inside you. "This is... I'm gonna fucking cum."

"D-d-don't you d-dare," Stacy chokes out, drawing a breath. "Hold it! Be a muh-man!"

"I can't. I can't," he says, still thrusting away. You both watch as little Kalli stands, her bangs soaked and matted to her forehead, her body dripping all over the carpet. She runs around her mom and stops next to you.

"Daddy!" she cries. "Mommy made me wet!"

He came the moment she said his name. "Aw shhh-shit." Richard keeps up his thrusting, pumping shot after shot of cum inside you, filling you for the second time this morning. Even though you're sore you can still feel every load get forced down the length of his tightly strangled cock like a marble through a straw.

"K-keep going. Don't stop," orders Stacy. She's apparently unconcerned with him cumming inside you. She just doesn't want him to stop fucking you.

Richard does his best, fucking you harder and faster once his balls are empty. His more animated thrusting starts to draw some of his cum out of you, collecting it on his shaft and squishing it between his balls and your vulva. But he runs out of steam, especially from this difficult angle, and his softening dick soon slips out of you, a trail of creamy cum following.

Once again the relief of Richard leaving one of your holes stretched and empty brings a rush of euphoria, but this time with a vibrator on your pussy. You cum almost instantly. You yelp then drop the wand and bring both of your hands between your legs, squeezing your thighs around them as you paw at your lips, smearing the steady trickle of semen from your pulsating hole across your entire underside.

Rubbing your slit right after your cum is your favorite thing about cumming. It's like you coax all the amazing sensations, that burst of endorphins, to go out into the rest of your body. It makes your whole body warm and tingly. So having that damn wand held there and forced upon your clit, holding you at that high peak and never letting you down, is maddening. You want to slap it away and put the whole wand deep inside you all at once. It couldn't possibly fit, but that might not stop you from trying if you were ever driven over the edge.

Both the kids watched silently as their father finished defiling you and then as you revelled in your latest orgasm. But as soon as everything settles down Kalli starts whining again about how wet she is and Aidan teases her for getting peed on.

"Richaaard..." Stacy croaks out, still coming back from her own clearly powerful orgasm.

Uncle Dick ducks out from behind you and slips into dad mode, using the corner of the towel hanging off the couch to wipe his daughter's face while telling his son to be nice to his sister.

"But she made fun of me before!"

"Yeah, well now she's not."

"I don't like vaginas..." pouts Kalli. "I like you more daddy."

"I like you too honey." Richard stands and strokes Kalli's hair, pulling her into his hip. Aidan sticks out his tongue at his sister, wagging it in the air to silently antagonize her. Kalli responds by doing the same, but then she grabs onto her father's heavy, slick, post-coital cock and tongues way more than just air. Aidan gawks for a moment, then bends down and pretends to lick his mom's ass, still stuck out into the air. The two of them go back and forth briefly until Aidan gets over it, but Kalli doesn't want to stop licking her daddy. Richard glances between his daughter and his wife nervously, but he obviously isn't going to stop Kalli or he would have already.

"Kimmy," starts Stacy, dragging herself up with a scowl on her face. "We're gonna try this again."