JoS/Henriette/29th Journal - Tricked by the Devil

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First Seed, 29th, 4E 203

Since I was visiting home, I got my friends very curious about what I've been up to, and especially about the little doggy I have with me. I got them so curious in fact that both Sofia and Aliya insisted on coming with me. Serana isn't home yet, and probably won't be for a while, so we weren't going to wait for her. Instead, we ventured to the mountains where the shrine to Clavicus Vile is hidden inside a cave.

This cave must've been a site of pilgrimage for followers of Clavicus Vile back in the days, but now there were only Vampires there. As we learned later, this small clan of Vampires, who are not distinguishable from your common bandits in any way, had made this their home in hopes of curing themselves of their condition and become human again. Weak-willed weaklings a lot of them. I guess you could say that we "cured" them out of their misery. That's what Clavicus Vile said anyway, as he was amused by me granting this clan their wish.

His shrine, his statue, didn't look normal at all. It depicted him as a child, as kind of similar to those Scamps you hear stories about with wee tail and giant ears. Still, his face was that of a human… It was a cool shrine overall. What was odd about this shrine was the lack of Barbas by his side. He is always depicted alongside his god, because they are the same god technically. I don't know, it's confusing… I guess this is what this doggy meant by "falling out with my master".

Clavicus wanted to get straight into business and asked me what kind of deal I want to strike, what would I ask of him. Barbas had warned me to not make deals with him because what I really get from this god may not actually be what I want, and I could very likely be tricked by him. So, I asked if he'd take his dog back. That's precisely where things went wrong for me.

He straight up refused. His tone, and his ramblings kind of suggested that he admits that having Barbas by his side would be beneficial to him, but he didn't want to admit it, and since I came to him suggesting such an "outrageous" thing to begin with, he wasn't too happy with me. By Sithis, he's more childish than me, and look at me! I'm a little kid!

Then, his tone changed. He had an idea. "Why don't you amuse me first?", he suggested.

I thought, why not? I mean, I'll be doing something for him and giving him his dog and part of his power back too, but what do I get in return? I'm not sure. So, I nodded and said: "Sure".

"I wasn't talking to you, little girl", he said condescendingly. "I was talking to you, Barbas. Let me ask you this, would you do anything to be by my side again?"

"Of course, my master", the mutt replied.

And then, Clavicus Vile threw the gauntlet. His idea of amusement you see wasn't quite what I expected. "Rape that cheeky little cunt for me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and I froze. It's not a first dog I've let to have its way with me, but I was hesitant anyway. Barbas didn't screw around at all and turned towards me. He apologized to me for what he was about to do, because there was no way he was going to disobey his master's wishes. It was going to go down either easy or hard way. I told him to wait, just please wait, I begun to strip, I didn't want to have my clothes ruined and dirtied. I said I'll play along with this god's little tricks.

Aliya and Sofia both stood back and watched me genuflect in front of the altar and get on my fours, presenting my ass to the grey hound who mounted me instantly. He was still flaccid, but rubbing and humping against me he was slowly starting to get harder, and I was starting to get wetter too feeling his hot, pulsating boner rub against my slit and my thighs. Eventually he was getting ready, and slipped his cock into my folds in one clean push.

Nevermind the fact that he's a dog, this creature is a god. He's a daedra. He may look like any other doggy, but it's not like he has to be in that form either. Still, it was pretty exciting. I don't think I've ever let a god do me… Can I even say I "let" him do it? Something tells me that there was no room for me to refuse anyway.

Still, what a vigorous and amazing lover he was. Balls deep inside me he slammed against me repeatedly and made me cum faster than I could anticipate. Like, I wasn't expecting sex five minutes ago, I wasn't really even that horny, yet there I was, moaning like a little bitch being roughed by a stud, as he was getting harder as he went. It wasn't over very quickly either. Most of the doggy sex consists of only ejaculation with the actual "fucking" only taking a relatively short moment, but he pounded me for at least thirty freaking minutes!

Eventually it got to the point where I was honestly starting to feel done, but I could mount no resistance against his dominating performance. I was caught in a loop of inescapable pleasure swelling in my body, which could only respond to his thrusts. He eventually tied the knot properly, turning his back towards mine and let me finally relax at least some bit. Of course, fun wasn't over yet, as there was still roughly another half an hour ahead of taking in heaps of semen. I was so full, but also so tired too. I honestly wanted to stop, but there was no way for him to separate himself from me yet.

By the time he was done, Barbas didn't even bother asking me how I was. He simply was concerned about whenever he had pleased his master.

"Ah, yes, you have proven yourself to still be loyal. However, I won't take you back yet."

I was like, "wait, what?". All that fucking, all that waiting, letting my friends watch me in such humiliating position for an hour, and Clavicus wasn't even willing to take his damn dog back? I guess this is what Barbas meant by possibly being tricked and not taking any deals he offers me! I asked Clavicus, what's up? Did I not do what I was asked to do?

"Well, yes, but you had no say in the matter. You were here for Barbas to have sex with. As far as I'm concerned, you've done nothing for me yet. That was a test for Barbas to prove his loyalty by raping the woman who saved him."

Oh, I should've fucking known the answer!

"I want Barbas travel with you now. If you want a favor from me, bring me something. Bring me an axe. I once gave one of my precious axes away to some poor fool and now I want it back. Do that, and then we'll talk more."

Has this Daedra not been listening to me? Is there wax in his stupid god ears, or is he fucking with me? I don't want anything from him! I want him to take this dog back, but now, the dog is stuck with me! Barbas is so devoted to his master that he won't go against his masters wishes, so he as sure as the day is long will follow me around… Oh, for the love of… I don't want to drag a dog with me everywhere… I just wanted to do a favor for Barbas for helping me and now I'm getting fucked both literally and figuratively…

Fine, I'll go find the axe. Where is it? Well, our luck just has it that it's in the opposite side of the province. We have to travel all the way through Solitude and by the northern shore to find the stupid cave…

Oh, whatever… I'll try to stay positive. Maybe something good will come out of this.