JoS/Henriette/30th Journal - Mission in Solitude

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Rain's Hand, 8th, 4E 203

I got a letter from the Guild again with another job offer. This time, they wanted to meet me in person, so I did a little round trip to Riften and back. I ended up actually picking two jobs, one from Tonilia and one from Delvin. I wasn't expecting to get work from that Redguard as she mostly handles trade, but this work makes sense. I kind of did make her mad in the process though due to something I've done in the past.

She told me that she and the Khajit caravans can benefit a lot from each other and that there's some business for them to discuss. She asked me to speak for her and also bring a bag of Moon Sugar to their leader, Ri'saad. I would be lying if I didn't get the urge to have some of it for myself and, you know… Get off it. I didn't allow myself to fall into that trap.

If you're familiar with the path I've taken with the Dark Brotherhood, you might already be guessing where this is going. In case not, let me remind you of a certain Khajiti magister I killed, Ma'randru-jo. This job was unique in a sense that I let it be known that I was the killer. I did so because I knew I was going to get away with taunting him and with me defending myself against him. If there's one person who knows that I wasn't acting in good faith though, it's Ri'saad.

I tried to explain this to Tonilia as calmly and reasonably as possible, but wouldn't you just know, I was about to get shat on. Hard.

She was fuming. Never in my life did I think she was capable of getting so mad. That pretty, tiny little woman was absolutely enraged, threw a mug at me - she luckily missed - and scolded me, how could I be so dumb, how could a damned assassin be part of the Thieves Guild. She was pointing at me and screaming at Brynjolf too, demanding for me to be fired immediately. It took the combined forces of Brynjolf and Delvin to calm her down. Delvin tried to explain that it's been known for a long time that I'm with the Dark Brotherhood, and I also tried to explain that I was simply following orders. The work I do there has never before conflicted with Thieves Guild work, and the two guilds have a friendly relationship anyway. She was willing to buy it, but this still threw a huge wrench in her plans.

"Don't think you're going to weasel yourself out of this one. We're going to get caravans on our side and you're going to help with me, like it or not."

I mean, I love to help… Her plan B is another Khajit caravan, who's ran by Ahkari. Technically all Khajit caravans are working together, so it's likely that I might get into trouble with her as well, but at least she can be reasoned with by me. Ri'saad probably never wants to see my face ever again. Anyway, that's job number one.

Delvin had the second offer for me, and this is something that's arguably even harder for me, because the client is someone I also have a past with. You see, our contract is Erikur in Solitude. He's an advisor and a Thane for Elisif. Last time we met was in Thalmor embassy I believe? I caused him a little trouble, ended up getting fucked by him, and ended up, you know, doing all that other stuff too, like stealing all kinds of confidential papers belonging to the Thalmor… Oh dear, he probably remembers me very, very well. Now, obviously there's no way I can refuse to do this job and start making excuses AGAIN, so I bit my tongue and said that I'd be glad to represent the guild in front of Erikur and do whatever job he has stored for me.

Damn it, I'm going to be fine, am I…? Erikur is not going to have my ass thrown in jail, right?

Rain's Hand, 10th, 4E 203

While I was visiting Dawnstar, I didn't simply want to do business with Ahkari, although that's what I did too. As I feared, she's suspicious of me because she's obviously in contact with Ri'saad, and she has heard of me. "Khajit does not know how much of that is true", she added. "Ri'saad respected the mage, but the mage's conduct was often questionable. Ma'randru-jo was always one to get into trouble, to get the caravans into trouble. It's not unreasonable to think someone would've wanted him dead."

She also understands the value of working with the Thieves Guild, especially since their influence is in rise. Still, a simple bribe of Moon Sugar from me wasn't going to cut it, and she said that I must prove my own personal worth to her as well. Luckily for me, there was a way for me to prove myself to be an ally to them.

One of her bodyguards is a man called Kharjo, and he filled me with the details. There's a bandit clan living in some abandoned watchtower by the route they often take, and about two weeks ago, they led a raid on the caravan, and they want me to take care of the problem. There's no need for me to recover any stolen cargo or anything, as this is more about prevention and revenge. However, Kharjo told me to keep an eye out for what he calls a "moon amulet", which is precious to him.

It wasn't even a challenge. There were three of them in the tower, and I murdered them all. Quest done and it made Ahkari very happy. Kharjo too was happy to be reunited with his amulet. She urged me to bring them goods from time to time, and warned me to stay away from Ri'saad. Duly noted.

My next bit of business was exchanging some pleasantries at the Sanctuary while also relying some contracts from the Night Mother to the Speakers. I also asked Babette for some private tutoring to help me get better with Alchemy. She's such a good teacher, just having her hold my hands made it feel like I was doing a better job. She said she usually charges a price for training, but with a wink she proclaimed that she'd always make an exception for me. Ah, she's just the best, so adorable

That concludes my business in Dawnstar.