JoS/Lyra/5th Journal - My First Big Contract

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Frostfall, 25th, 4E 201

Markarth is a huge city, the buildings are really tall and they're built into the mountains. It was amazing to see it as I was making my way down the road. Now I know why they say it was built by the dwarves. As soon as I stepped through the large door and into the city, I saw someone pull out a dagger and walk up behind this lady in front of a market stall. Nobody else seemed to be paying attention. Just as he was about to stab the lady, I pulled out my bow and shot him. People started screaming after than, saying that the Forsworn attacked the city. The lady's name is Margreet and she thanked me for saving her life. One of the guards came up and said there was nothing to worry about and that everything was under control. What an idiot. He should have thanked me for doing his job. The only reason everything is under control is because I stopped an assassination. Yes, I am aware that it's a big double standard. But anyways, instead of a reward or something, this weird guy came up to me and told me I dropped a note. It didn't look familiar, but he insisted it was mine before running off. It said to meet him at the Temple of Talos here in Markarth. Weirdest first time in a city, possibly ever. I'm staying at the Silverblood Inn tonight and I'm going to look for my contact tomorrow to find out who my target is. Hopefully there won't be someone like me around to stop that assassination.