Bored Little Girl/Park/A Policeman

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Hey there, What the hell is going on back here?" yelled the policeman, finally coming around the bush. Both yours and the boys heart pounding like a bass drum, the boy had just time got on his knees pretending to look for something. You play along "We just gotta find it my mom will kill me if I don't." the boy looks up at the policeman standing about 50 or so feet away. "Oh, Hi! We're looking for the earring she lost. Officer would you have the time to help?" asked the boy. "No No No, I'm sure you'll fine, I just was checking to make sure you weren't the mobster guy I was looking for, he would have come right through here 5 minutes ago you kids see anything?" "No sir, we haven't seen him, but if we see someone like that I have my cellphone I'll call you guys if that'll help" said the boy. "Please do, I've been chasing this guy all over town, but thanks anyway. Take care and be careful there are alot of weirdos out nowadays." said the policeman. "We will!" replied the little girl. Then the policeman left.

What happens?...