Pedo Paradise/male/daycare/Emma8

From All The Fallen Stories
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Who told you anything like that happened between me and my little weirdo, cutie pie daughter? Well everyone obviously knows I like 'em young and tight that's no secret. If your askin' if there was anything that happened between her and me, well let's just say only a bit. Let me tell you just what happened one fine sunny summer mornin'.

That afternoon Emma had been home and just like she most often did the days she was home she was allowed to run around in just her birthday suit, that is only if she wanted to, me and my wife never forced our daughter or the other youngins to run around in the buff. We told the parents of the other young ones that is what we told our Emma she could do if she wanted. Strangely none had a problem with it, if their kids did the same cause they let them do streak at home too. It seemed as though I was in a "Pedos Paradise" after that I had little cute bare girlie butt and gorgeous little slitted mounds runnin' everywhere. Wait urmm! Oh! sorry in my old age I get easily side tracked by those wonderful memories.

Ah yes! Emma was the topic. But yes she loved streakin' when she was home. On that sunny mornin' is when my little weirdo Emma found out about just how lovin' I can be.

Oh! shit! I guess you'd like to hear the whole story. So much earlier that day Emma got up and of course she hadn't any clothes on yet, she never did for breakfast cause well, everyone slept nude in our house but only Emma ever come out for food naked on a regular basis. My wife had been called in that morning before my sweet Emma got up, so it was just Emma and I that morning. She come out rubbing her sleepy eyes, stretching her arms in the air then just crawled up in my lap. I don't think she noticed, at least not at first.

"AHHH! Mornin' daddy" Emma yawned.

"Mornin' my little weirdo"

"Oh Daddy your so goofy sometimes, but that's what a wuve 'bout ya" she said. Then she snuggled in tightly not realizin' what she was doin' to me. She was rubbing my bare penis and it was respondin' that's for sure! It wasn't till she felt it pushin' up against her little bald vagina lips between her legs and it was making HER feel good did she feel my pubes rubbin' rather abrasively against her cute little ass cheeks. Apparently my penis had actually parted her lips and she was rubbin' the top of my shaft along her crack. Yeah yeah you're askin' well why didn't you stop her, well that's gotta be obvious or you shouldn't be listenin' to this here memory of mine. So I have to say I was enjoyin' the feelin' of her innocently pleasin' herself on my penis it felt good, but I had to at least make her aware of what was happenin'.

"Emma! You know what you're doing right?"

"Daddy I'm makin' myself feel really good. Don't bother me now I'm almost there. AHHHH YEAH! MMMM!" she had replied, orgasming on her daddy's bare hard cock.

"Emmaline Elizabeth!" I said.

She knew I meant business then. I had never used her first and middle names together with that tone of voice unless she was doin' somethin' wrong or wasn't payin' attention.

"What Daddy I'm done now, what did I do now?" then she turned in my lap and the most craziest thing happened.

Emma cried out "OUCH THAT HURTS!"

I felt somethin' some what familiar that moment too. So we both looked down at we both gasped at the sight of my penis half in her vagina. Neither one of us moved thinkin' it would go in farther. So we sat there a minute but I just got completely hard.

"Daddy I know it was sorta an accident but its in there, so we might as well. I mean I didn't realize you were streakin' or I wouldn't have gotten it your lap."

She had suggested the craziest thing but both she and my wife knew I liked little precious angels and Emma was no exclusion. Which is why we often cared for little ballerinas unstead of the little football players. They was both fine with it too. But here we are and Emma has my now ragin' hard-on in her little love hole.

"Come on daddy you know you want to, its not like you made me or anything and well I know you like girls my age and mamma's age too so you can't make any excuse that you wouldn't like it. Daddy go ahead you can fuck me just this once only cause its mostly my fault your penis is inside me, and we don't even gotta tell anyone about it not even mamma, Okay ! Just fuck me like you really love me like that and make me feel really good Kay!"

Well I just had to after she practically gave me a green light. So this is just how that went!

So from that point she was sideways on my lap so I lifted her up till it was out of her vagina and we moved to the living room couch where I sat down at she crawled back up in my lap and straddled me sitting just in front of my penis, then I had her put her hands on my shoulders and pull herself up. I took my hard manhood and lined it up rubbing it back and forth in her little slit.

"Daddy that feels REALLY good" said Emma nodding then looking back down.

Then I just stopped at her wet hole, which is probably why it accidentally went inside her beings where it was before that and the fact she JUST came and all over my penis at that. And I told her when she was ready she could start.

She lowered herself on to my penis and it seemed to almost slide right in halfway that is when she was in a little pain again but she must have said the heck with it and suddenly forcefully sat down the rest the way till I was completely inside her, she winched in pain for about a minute then began to push with her feet against the cushions cause her legs had been wrapped around me, and she pulled with her hands pushing and pulling till she had a pace that she was comfortable with. Meanwhile I just enjoyed myself having a gorgeous little girl riding my cock. She would moan as she rode me:

"AHHH Daddy Yeah Daddy Fuck Me! this feels Oh Ahhh so good"

Before long my cock and balls was drenched in her cum, she must have came three maybe four before I decided we needed to go in to her room which she put up no fuss about.

In her room she crawled on the bed laid on her back and scooted to the edge and actually wanted even more.

"Daddy give me MORE!. I need MORE Please Daddy I Wanna CUM again it feels so good."

So I lined myself up and slid it in all the way all seven inches but only cause that's what she was making go in her prior. Then I began really fucking her like I would never get any pussy again and two minutes in she came. This time only a minute later I came giving her love hole every drop. When we finished we showered together and went about our normal routines, she still ran naked till she went to a friends house the next day.

Funny thing is after that one time it never happened again but she understood my attractions a tiny bit more now and she streaked even more often whenever she wanted till she moved out at twenty years old several years later she often brought me the grandkids and then I had some more eye candy. And she knew I made my grand daughters feel good and she never objected even when she would have to have her little girls change their underwear cause they were soaked in both mine and theirs cum.

So now you know maybe one of my biggest secrets my wife didn't even know.

"Honey!, I got news for you! I did find out about two years later. You know how honest Emmaline is, well she was having boy issues and one thing led to another and I just kinda connected the two so I asked her about it and she told me the whole thing. How she wasn't paying attention when she woke up, getting in your lap, her orgasming not fully realizing in was your penis she was rubbing against. Then how she turned and it accidentally just went in cause she came all over your penis and she was super wet. Its okay it happened and you couldn't change that so she told you just go ahead cause it wouldn't change what had just happened anyway, urr wait didn't I just say that?"

"Yes dear you did, continue tell me what else she told you.." he said.

"OH! Yes I remember now, then you had sex for awhile before finishing up on her bed ejaculating inside her. Even that's okay I don't mind especially since I was at the hospital so much I rarely paid my wifely duties. So actually I am greatful to our Emmaline. She also said you kept your word and never touched her again like that after that day. So I still love you just as much as the day we brought our little Emmaline into this crazy world. Emmaline still loves you more than you know!

"Yeah Daddy that was a long long time ago I loved you then..."

Emma walks up behind him and wrapped her arms around him hugging him tightly.

"You know that was the best sex I ever had, I haven't found anyone that did it better than we did that day."

"Yes, I have to agree with you my little weirdo Emma, that was some of the best sex I ever had too."

Then she whispered in his ear " OH! Daddy you haven't called of that in years, I still wuve you even NOW daddy."

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