CandyStore/Brandon agree
"well that's news to my ears, love to serve you, but may i have your name so i might address you properly."
"oh, sorry, Brandon, and i'm nine now as of last week. Mom said i could come check out the candies on display."
"ahhh great i have some specials for you Brandon, just come this way"
I couldn't bare telling what was behind the secret candy shelf, I had to show him hopefully he follows through. Candi thought to herself.
At the end of this very long corridor was a green door. The two reached the door and Candi knocked then swiped her ring on her right hand over a weird green light. And the door swung open,
"yeah yeah yeah, what now damn it?" said a tall very muscular man with massive pythons for arms.
"Bruno, its me, this lad agreed to the terms. Milk him as much as he's willing to give, and damn it make sure he really enjoys himself. I want this one to be a multiple repeat costumer.