Offline/Wake up Hannah

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Too curious to focus on anything else, you place a hand on Hannah's shoulder and gently rock her a little. She doesn't stir. Her face looks so still and peaceful. You feel bad for even wanting to wake her up. But you push her a little harder.

"Hannah? You awake?"

She smiles softly and peeks with one eye. "Yeah," she whispers.

"Are you... pretending to sleep?"

She sighs and nods. "Kinda. Jet just tried to wake me up too. Then he left, but I was waiting to make sure he didn't go out to pee."

That only makes you more curious. "Why?"

"Because I always have to pee in the morning, so I figured he wo-"

"No, no, why were you pretending to sleep?"

"Oh! Because he's probably mad about last night."

You wait for her to continue but for she doesn't, instead choosing to draw out the silence that follows.

"So... are you two fighting?"

"No." She pauses again, searching your eyes this time. "I don't know how much you heard last night, but he'll be fine. He just wanted to get back at me for not going to bed with him. I don't know why you'd think we're fighting."

"Okay. Sorry." She seems very confident they're not fighting. Yet you feel like denying sex would be pretty good evidence of the contrary. What would a fight look like to her? And why does her answer disappoint you?

"What about you? Did you sleep well?" She may have asked you a question but she doesn't let you respond. She just sits up and keeps talking. "I slept like a baby I was so tired! I mean, I like sleep, but I feel soooo good after last night. I remember there was this one time after a cheer meet when the team spent the whole day together and a bunch of us went back to Lacy's house and we all piled into her parents king size bed and fell asleep in a big sweaty cuddle pile. It's so nice having someone lay on top of you, y'know? Like, their heat, their heartbeat, y'know?"

"Yay." You have no idea.

"It was SO funny though 'cuz we all got woke up early because Lacy was humping Mila in her sleep! I bet she wasn't even sleeping, but she said she was. But it was SO funny because Brianne said 'I'm glad I didn't sleep naked'!" She reaches over and pokes you through your sleeping bag. "Isn't that hilarious?"

You awkwardly chuckle. You already had morning wood before this conversation, as usual, but her little story adds extra encouragement. You feel like she already knows, not that it would be a difficult thing for her to guess.

"Yeah. I know. Maybe we should get dressed, huh? The sun's been up for a while. We can go in fo-"

Hannah throws open her sleeping bag exposing her bare leg all the way up to her hip. She looks down in shock but she's clearly teasing you.

"Oh! Whoopsie! I guess I'm almost as bad as Brianne!" Hannah then raises the bottom hem of her tank top to fully expose her side to you, as if she needed to prove what you could already see; nothing but bare beautiful silky skin up her thigh and around the curve of her ass, now well past her hip, her waist, nearly up to her rib cage. She only flashes her side for a moment before pulling her top down and chuckling to herself. "God, I'm so bad! I'll stop being mean!"

Her comment makes you realize how stupid the slack jawed expression on your face must look. You turn away and fiddle with your own sleeping bag. Since you're still laying down, and worried about your erection, you slide your feet closer and raise your knees a little to try to bunch up your bag and hide any obvious 'contours'.

Hannah, oozing confidence, stands up and casually walks the few steps to her bag. She's angled to the side when she bends over to rummage through her clothes but the sight of her gorgeous rounded ass is still spectacular. As it is her tank top does not come down very far but it shortens a little more when she bends at the waist leaving almost all of her ass just hanging there in the morning sun.

She's so nonchalant about it. Is she still teasing you? Is nudity not a big deal for her? Or is she so unconcerned by her boyfriend's little cousin that she doesn't even bother to cover up? You appreciate the view in any case, but you can't help wanting to be more than just her boyfriend's cousin.

Your ass trance is broken (somewhat) when Hannah steps into a fresh pair of panties. She looks over at you briefly, blankly, then looks away again, dipping back into her bag for a scrunchy and her hairbrush to sort out her golden locks. She wraps the scrunchy around her wrist and works her brush for a while before looking back in your direction.

"I won't bite. You can get ready too."

"Um... I can wait."

Hannah scoffs. "It's not like you're naked under there. Just come get dressed." When you don't respond right away she looks at you with a smirk. "Wait, you are naked under there?"

"Well, I... I usually sleep in my boxers, but..."

"Yeah? Were you feeling naughty last night? I know I was..." She tries to chew her smile down but her lips won't cooperate. It feels like she's going to rib you even more but she mercifully holds back. "I guess I can get your boxers for you."

Hannah steps over to your bag and snags your boxers from the floor. The ones from last night. The ones that you couldn't sleep in. You pray for her not to notice, but she does. She lifts them higher and higher into the air, staring at them.

"These look... used." Borderline disgusted, she sets them back down on the floor carefully. "Maybe I'll just give you your bag."

Shame consumes you as the blood drains from your dick and rushes to your face. You doubt that there's anyone who you would want to find your jizz stained underwear, but in some ways this would be less embarrassing right now if it was your mom.

Head down, you rummage through your bag and grab yourself a full outfit of fresh clothes. Your stiffy has deflated to far less than a semi by the time you get clean boxers on so you throw open your sleep sack to get yourself put together a little faster.

"Are you still a virgin?" That's usually a weird question to ask someone when they're pulling on pants.

"Yeah," you respond plainly. As if you wouldn't be. She nods but it doesn't change her train of thought.

"My sister got SO lucky on her last birthday. She convinced our mom to let her have boys over at her sleepover. I don't even know how she did that! I was super jealous. I'm positive mom wouldn't have let it happen if she knew that Lisa was dating Dayton. I mean they'd only been dating like a week, but Lisa didn't let on at all. I didn't even know until after. But she got grounded for months. She's still grounded! But she sure does like to complain about it, like every day! But it was totally worth it!"

"She's been grounded for months? That's not very lucky."

Hannah smiles. Already finished dressing, she opens the door to encourage you to leave. "No. But she got lucky! She got to invite 2 boys and 2 girls and kept bragging about how they were going to stay up together all night long. And because I sassed her she made sure that I still had to go to bed on time, getting mom on her side. So I just went to bed early and set my alarm for 2AM, when I figured our parents would be deep asleep. And when I snuck out to the living room, you know what I saw? I caught them fucking!" That last word is said sharply but in a sultry tone as Hannah stares you down, grabbing your arm as you walk into the woods.

"What? Really? Like... all of them?"

"No. Just Lisa and Dayton. I mean Zoe had her pants off and Steve totally had his dick out just stroking away. But my sister was all the way naked sitting on top of Dayton right in the middle of the floor! Like she was there to put on a show! I really had no idea she could be so slutty. She's always trying to be such a perfect goody-two-shoes. She had even been trying - so hard, too - to convince mom to let her fly to New Orleans for her sweet sixteen next year. She was gonna go to Mardi Gras! They woulda let her too, which is the dumb part. She gets to do everything. But I guess not anymore! Screwed that one up, Lisa!"

"Well...?" you ask after Hannah trails off. "You found them, but... what then?"

Hannah looks away and shrugs. "I dunno exactly. I watched for a little while but I went back to bed. I had planned on crashing their party, but not like that. And for, like, walking in on an orgy, it was weirdly boring. Lisa was hardly even doing anything, just sitting there holding her tits and chatting with her friends. It was like she was trying to film a promo video for virgins, by virgins. No offense. She was kinda trying to get one of her girlfriends to fuck Steve but there weren't any takers, which is when I left. Maybe he got lucky later," she says with another shrug.

You sigh, disappointed. "Huh."

"Buuut..." she continues, "'Some more things must've happened because I got woke up at 4AM by our step-dad yelling. I rushed out to find the boys were missing but Zoe was sitting naked on the island in the kitchen, crying and covering her face, getting chewed out. Lisa at least had underwear on, or at least she had put some on by the time I got out there, but Zoe had literally no clothes and looked utterly humiliated. Lisa was yelling and trying to push dad away to give Zoe room while he bounced between shouting and smacking at both of them, going on about god this and self respect that. Mom came out right behind me and started scolding me too! But I'd just got there!"

"Wow. That sucks."

"You kidding? It was amazing! She totally deserved it! I've never seen anyone get in so much trouble before! Probably never will!"

"So do you know why? Like, what actually happened? How'd they get caught?"

"Well half of our pantry was out on the counter and, from the peanut butter on Zoe's boobs and the ketchup on her thighs, I think they were drinking and eating things off of Zoe's body. No one actually told me after, but I'm sure that's it. I think they got carried away and made too much noise. Lisa still won't talk about it. It's like she blames me or something! But I know I didn't get them caught!"

You never knew the thought of a highschool girl covered in condiments would get you so horny, but you just keep getting harder as you leisurely walk along. "That, uh... that's crazy."

"I know! How was it my fault? I almost got in trouble for watching Lisa get in trouble! Our real dad made me promise I won't do anything like that when I turn fifteen! But Lisa has dropped all their expectations so low that I don't think I have to worry!" Hannah giggles to herself and shoots you a grin.

You don't catch on right away, but as the conversation naturally drifts elsewhere you realize what Hannah just divulged to you. If Hannah still isn't 15, then just how old is she? She really can't be that much older than you are. Is she even in high school yet? Does Jet know how likely it is that he's dating a middle schooler? She's hardly even taller than you, and she isn't any more mature, but if she isn't then she sure knows how to pass for a seasoned teenager. Her boobs don't hurt either.

Hannah releases your arm just as the two of you hit camp then quickly ditches you to go chat up Uncle Dave. She doesn't even say goodbye or see you later, just calls out at your uncle and trots over to him leaving you standing alone next to a pile of logs. You watch her for a moment, tossing her scrunchied hair about and looking far too interested in what your uncle is doing. She's so flirty. She's so... fake.

You shake your head, perhaps in disappointment. There's no way. If there was any doubt before you're now pretty certain that Hannah has been screwing with you this whole time. Eating peanut butter off of a girl's boobs? As if. Her being nearly your age? Yeah right. Surely she's just trying to mess with you. That has to be the most plausible answer. Right? If not that, then... what? Does she not know how inappropriate she is with other people?

Thanks in large part to Hannah, your thoughts are now pervaded by all manner of smut. Imagination running wild, you picture raunchy high school sleepovers at breakfast, dimly lit blowjobs sitting in the shade, and the wet slap of a trusty hairbrush while playing catch. It's not like you aren't often horny, but today is especially bad. You pop boners all morning and find yourself needing to sit down or put your hands in your pockets to do what you can to hide it. Luckily Nicole helps to distract you from your thoughts. Kinda.

The two of you hang out on and off throughout the day, both of you wanting to find things to do to pass the time, Nicole without a book for once. You're not inseparable, but you're starting to enjoy each other's company. The problem is that in the afternoon you both go swimming together, her wearing a surprisingly sexy one piece that she seems oblivious to. You do your best not to stare, being her cousin and all, but apparently your hormones don't care who you're related to. Walking around with her after your swim, Nicole still in her skimpy one piece, makes you unable to avoid the topics swimming in your head any longer.

Ask Nicole if she’s still a virgin

Ask Nicole about blowjobs