Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Relationship

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The basic Life Hack module holds the ability to adjust a lifie's relationship stats in regards to the player.

Standard relationship stats are divided into 8 categories, 6 of which are divided into 3 different mutually exclusive relationships which manage to effectively create something of a -100 to 100 range.

NOTICE: All indications of 10% ranges are generalities and should not be taken as precise thresholds for certain behaviors.

Friendly / Enemy range

The friendliness / enemy range notes how positive/negative a person's general opinion and disposition is toward you. Increasing the friendliness stat will predispose a lifie to act in a more friendly and accommodating manner toward you and cause them to want to grant you all manner of allowances and hospitality. Has a positive influence on trust. Meanwhile, increasing "enemy" status will cause the lifie to become negatively predisposed and take a nasty attitude toward you, often acting in a rude manner or passing you up for manners of common courtesy. At higher levels it can even lead to vindictive or even murderous behaviors.

This document is a work in progress. I will be saving my progress several times through the process to avoid loosing my work.


  • <10%: At the beginning of the friendliness scale, this indicates the lifie will grant you basic common courtesy and act toward you in a positive manner. First impressions will often put friendliness stats somewhere around 10% depending on personality and the manner of the interaction.
  • 10-20%: This range is considered an area of moderately good regard one would generally be expected to grant to their colleagues or customers at work. At this range, a lifie will make accommodations for you even if it is somewhat inconvenient for them, but will only go so far as what they feel is reasonable to be expected of them in the situation. People with a strong adherence for social norms will automatically be in this range if you make a positive first impression. Usually comes with around a 5% boost to trust.
  • 20-30%:This range is where a lifie would be considered to be behaving in a manner most people would regard as really friendly. This is where they will seem to be somewhat more relaxed and less on-guard, and will try to actually make an asserted effort to make you comfortable around them. Most children who want to be friends with you will automatically place you in this range on first impression. Usually comes with around a 5-10% boost to trust.
  • 30-40%:At this range, a lifie will begin positively regarding you and show you preferential treatment. They will try to spend more time with you and the friendliness will begin self-perpetuating as they try to maintain a positive relationship. Children who are what an adult might consider "too friendly with strangers" will likely regard you at this level on first impression.
  • 40-50%:This is on the cusps of where the system will officially regard you as this person's "friend" for the friendliness achievement, and attitudes will reflect this, although it has not quite crossed this boundary. The lifie will be at the level where they certainly feel they can be close enough. Whether or not the lifie themselves calls you a friend depends on their personality. Young kids will call you their friend as low as 20%, but the majority of teens or those who are not quite sure what friendship means might call you a friend starting at 40%. It is an adult or someone with a firm dividing line in their minds for what counts as a "true friend" who will conform to the system's 50% mark.
  • 50-60%:This has freshly crossed the line of what the system regards as a "friend." At this range, the lifie will regard you as a close member of their social circle and is likely to actively advocate for you. They regard you as part of their "group" and thus deserving of far better treatment than anyone who is not "in" the group. The manner in which this relationship takes depends on the social dynamic between you. If "trust" is below 50%, there will be a behavioral correction that takes the lifie's behavior a little closer to the 50% mark due to their positive disposition toward you. This effect is more pronounced the lower below 50% the trust stat is (includes if it goes negative into the fear range.) (4th wall note, interpreting what "a little closer" means is up to writer's interpretation.)
  • 60-70%:The lifie will regard you as a good friend. The friendliness is still at the level of "part of the social circle," but you have moves closer to their inner circle at this level. The lifie will advocate harder for you than they will for their more casual friends and will feel more comfortable around you. (Increases the small trust adjustment)
  • 70-80%:At this range, the lifie will feel as though their relationship to you obligates them to do things they otherwise wouldn't consider for anyone else. This includes supporting you when your life is having difficulties, or when you make what they consider to be bad decisions. If the trust/fear range has entered the "fear" side of the equation, the lifie will still actively stick around. If submissive, they will make excuses for your behaviors that make them fearful. If dominant, they will attempt to correct your behavior. Either way, they will also be forgiving of things that they probably shouldn't be. This lifie will even be willing to do things that push the boundaries of their moral code to accommodate you, even facilitating these activities.
  • 80-90%:At this range, a lifie's positive disposition toward you crosses into ranges most would consider psychologically unhealthy. The lifie will have developed something of a psychological attachment to you. They will have a fierce loyalty to you. If you have done things people would consider positive for your part in this relationship, the depths of their obsession with you might go unnoticed. However, if you act in a negative manner that violates the person's trust, the extents to which they will go to forgive you will simply astound people. They will be able to forgive anything short of potentially-deadly violence or especially repulsive non-consensual sexual actions. (In other words, raping this lifie themselves, or even one of this lifie's friends and family will be forgiven, but they might think differently if it was an underage member of their family and said family member was particularly traumatized.)
  • >90%:Little to be added at this level, this level of friendliness will be the aspects of the previous level taken to a greater extreme. Forgiveness of negative actions will extend to literally any action, and they will be willing to actively cover up or even facilitate these acts.


  • <10%:At this range, the lifie will have decided that for some etherial reason they can't quite put their fingers on, they just don't quite like you. Will behave toward you in a manner that possesses a little less respect or good will than the way they treat most other people they meet on a day-to-day basis.
  • 10-20%:At this range, the lifie will start showing their negative regard for you. The degree of this negative regard depends on the nature of your social relationship. They will become actively antagonistic with snippy comments, and maybe pass you up for common courtesy things in a mean-spirited way. However, their antagonism will not cross any lines that will make it overtly obvious to the casual 3rd party observer. Comes with about a 5% trust penalty.
  • 20-30%:At this range, the lifie will be antagonistic toward you to a degree that it can be regarded as social bullying. Even casual 3rd parties will begin to recognize the nastiness this person is showing toward you, but people who have positive regard toward the lifie will be able to find some sort of excuse to dismiss it. The level of antagonism is not to the degree that the lifie would go out of their way to single you out (this requires "enemy" above 50%,) however their behavior will be easily noticeable.

Dominant / Submissive range



Trusting / Fearful range



Platonic Love

Romantic Love