Talk:Life Hacks/Charity-preg/Chrty pick + (kinder)78 pick/Rape girl - Billie/Mother4/Billy les/4+father/Outside debate/Younger/TrustExperiment/False

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Since there was a vote for convincing the guy you were an 8 year old girl on the last list of options, I just decided to go with it for the next step to proceed the conversation. I was a little eager to write something and not so willing to wait. Jemini (talk) 00:01, 3 March 2021 (UTC)

Shouldn't the instant approval cheat make this whole path moot? With that on, he'd have approved of the 15 yo Xander playing with his daughter's privates, and would only possibly have the trust issue of him taking her out of view. He would approve it happening right in front of him, and with the greater trust for the experiment would show you the threshold where he would let you take the girl someplace else to fuck her (high enough, just take her home with you tonight lol). --Notsooldpervert (talk) 07:24, 3 March 2021 (UTC)