Generations/Take the Goblin with You

From All The Fallen Stories
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So tempting as sleep may be, you can’t simply lie down in the middle of the wilderness. You’d be exposed to both the weather and wild beasts, and thus would have to transfer to the embryos in your mate’s womb. Certainly double, but a dangerous gamble. You wearily lift yourself off the ground and gingerly pick up your passed out goblin whore. Her womb is so full now that she’s unlikely to have any more children-more than five is a rare thing among goblins- but even then it never hurts to keep trying regardless. Besides, you’re a young orc, you have needs and she must cater to them as your goblin bitch.
This is most certainly not a loving relationship, but that is quite a rarity among orca, at least in the beginning. Not that you care, she knows her place and you need to breed an avatar. Of course, goblin blood has little to offer but it’s better than nothing at all. As you walk through the forest, goblin on one shoulder, your clothes on the other, you take a look around at the place you have to yourself, especially now that that cursed fairy is no more.
It’s quite tranquil and the woods provide excellent cover. A good place to hang out and breed. You even think you could start your own settlement perhaps. It’s a decent area, with rugged terrain and resources. A fairly defendable spot. Of course, you would need other women for this place to even be close to the other settlements, but the idea is brewing.
As you enter your cave, you place your goblin on the fur blanket and let her rest, listening to the sounds she makes. They’re sounds of pleasure and you notice she is wet. She even humps the air, like she’s being fucked. It might start to set you off again.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 685m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Gru’Thrak Divine Spark, Low-Light Vision bear skin clothes, 8 bone spears, sharp rock, 10 lbs of dried bear meat, 15 sticks, 4 flint rocks Goo’Hor None
Age 10y 657m 18d
Gender Male
Race Orc
Social Class Outcast
Body Superb (7)
Mind Weak (3)
Spirit Pitiful (1)