JoS/Kanna/4th Journal - Apprentice's Duties

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Hearthfire, 4th, 3E 427

What a long and weird day today was. Me and Karim recently went back that dusty little Dwemer ruin and came back with a lot of loot. It was a lot of fun, but that doesn't take anything away from two weird occurrences.

It started with me waking up to a disturbing dream. I was walking alongside someone, a grey figure with a strange golden mask was walking ahead of me, holding something in his hand. It was a leash, and it was connected to a collar on my neck. My hands were tied together with orange metal cuffs, and the same kind of cuffs also were around my ankles. Apart from that, I was wearing nothing. There were people all around us, and there was nothing I could do to cover myself up. All I could do was follow that strange man.

There were elves and humans, men and women, all were unresponsive, and they looked like undead with their patches of rotting flesh on their skin. The tall man was talking with them, throwing banter and pleasantries at them as he was passing by, but none of them replied to the man. I tried to speak out myself, but I couldn't utter a word. A tight leather strap had pulled a wooden gag into my mouth, and all I could was drool into it and mumble. The man turned around, realizing that I was trying to say something. It almost looked like he was about to do something, which was when I woke up.

I don't know what to make of the whole thing, but it wasn't the end of strange things happening, because after we got back to Balmora, I was approached by a strange man, who introduced himself to me as a "Sleeper", one of the thousands, as he said, and he had a message for me. He even knew me by my name. His message was simple: "Dagoth Ur calls you, Aliya, and you cannot deny your Lord". He also talked about how the Sixth House has risen.

All I could think of was, "what the fuck"? I never got around writing about what that Hasphat told me regarding the Sixth House, which was called House Dagoth back in the first era, but he also told me that it doesn't exist anymore. This "Sleeper" seems to suggest otherwise, and who the fuck is Dagoth Ur anyway? Name suggests they must be connected somehow. I mentioned this all to Caius just a few minutes ago, and he just nodded. "We'll have to investigate this."

For now though, he just told me to sit tight, as he doesn't have another task for me yet. It's already past sunset too, so need to get some sleep.

Hearthfire, 5th, 3E 427

So, I got myself in trouble with the law today. I was looking to sell some of the stuff I had on me, which included loot from Arkngthand, seeking out a local pawnshop owned by a lass named Dralasa Nithryon, asking if my goods interested me. The things that I was most excited to sell was a purse full of Dumacs, the silver coins that Dwemer used as their currency. I was gonna make so much money!

Big mistake.

She first started by getting awfully defensive, talking about why would I think she was willing to trade Dwemer artifacts, asking was I trying to get her in trouble, was I trying to get both of us in trouble? I didn't understand, so I asked what she meant. Well, I got to learn rather quickly when a guard came to me, apprehending me. He took care of my arms and asked me, what was I doing, where did I find these items. I answered to him as truthfully as I could, and it seemed to anger him just more. He brought me outside to be properly searched.

Up the stairs, I stood with my hands tied, with my face pushed against the wall a building just besides the Hlaalu Council Manor. Three Hlaalu Oathmen employed by the Legion as city guards were searching me, although it did feel to me more like sexual harassment than an actual search. That man was tapping me all over, groping me, while the other two were looking at the evidence, making sure that the Dumacs I was planning to sell were truly authentic and of Dwemer origin. Throughout the whole thing, I had no idea what was going on, and I was asking them to explain themselves. The man grabbing both my tits then insulted me. "Foolish outlander, you really should know trade of Dwemer artifacts is illegal by Imperial law."

Are you kidding me was all I was thinking. I genuinely didn't know, I had no idea. I mean, it's not like there are any remnants of Dwemer culture in Cyrodiil! It didn't really matter, as I was going to be punished either way. Not knowing wasn't an excuse to weasel myself out from my crime. Then again, these three men weren't too concerned about law either, as they were willing to allow themselves to be "bribed" to ignore my crime.

First of all, all these coins, possibly worth at least a thousand septims, were going to be confiscated, as they don't belong to me, but rather the Empire. Secondly, they didn't care too much about throwing me behind bars for thirty days, as that would've required too much effort on their part. Instead, they used the threat of imprisonment to blackmail me into having sex. I, of course, didn't like the idea, but even I knew that this humiliating punishment was going to be better than being hauled into jail, so I bit my tongue and complied.

They dragged me to a nearby guard tower situated at the edge of the manor district, built on top of a ledge overlooking Odai river running through the town. They dragged me to the underground barracks, where they stripped me naked, promising to keep my items safe in a chest. Considering that I was acting compliant, they also didn't bother to restrain me in any way. They just told me to get on bed and do as was told.

Five adult Dunmer men took turns raping me in those dark barracks, not giving me time to rest or breathe freely. All of it was simple vaginal sex - no anal, no kissing, no blowjobs - but it didn't make it much easier. By the time I was feeling done and practically begging for them to just let me go, they weren't even halfway through with me. I passed out from exhaustion at some point, don't remember much of what happened to me, but when I did eventually wake up, they simply told me to dress up and kindly fuck off. On my way out the door, one of them gave me a reminder not to do anything illegal again. "We're watching you, scum", he said, as he shooed me off.

Now, I can't really blame anyone else but myself for not doing research… But at the same time, Karim should've at least warned me to be more careful. I should've just went straight to the Thieves Guild's local fence… Sure, I wouldn't have been able to get as good of a price, but at very least, I would've gotten those Dumacs sold… Now they were just confiscated from me, and worst of all, I bet you they will just sell them for profit themselves, the absolute fucking bastards.

I should be angry and sad, but I'm just tired and frustrated at the whole situation… Tired of being still treated like a slave by some, treated like scum by others… I'm just frustrated because there's little I can do about it but suck it up…

End of current content