Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Aliya/Add to it

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Yes, you punished her presuming she was guilty of a minor infraction. Disrespecting a teacher through words or actions is a moderate infraction at the lowest, and considering her relation to Bevvy who instigated this you could easily justify severe infraction treatment. The only thing out of bounds would be doing something the same or more severe than what you did with Bevvy, which was pretty extreme. It's basically the same as Aliya's punishment, except that Bevvy has to have full vaginal intercourse and get a belly full of sperm every time she has to use the bathroom.

With this in mind, you tell your assistant to send her in.

"Hi Mr. Gardner." Aliya says as she comes in and immediately tries to bolt for the bathroom.

"Wow, hold on there." You tell her, stepping into the way of her path. She stops nervously and looks up at you.

"W... what?" She asks.

"Well, how about you sit down for a little bit Aliya. We have to discuss something about your punishment that came up."

She looks over at the chairs and seems fairly nervous. "But... I really have to go bad!" She protests.

"Aliya, did you try to hold it in because you wanted to avoid being watched on the toilet?" You ask her in a stern voice.

"Mmm... I... I don't know! Mr. Gardner! I need the bathroom!" She whines.