JoS/Kanna/12th Journal - Dissidents

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Evening Star, 5th, 3E 427

When I returned to Caius, he dropped some shocking news on me. It seems like he's been recalled to Cyrodiil. His superiors are not happy about something… He says it could be referring to his "sugar problem". I know he's got a sweet tooth for "that" drink, but I thought he had it under control. Guess not.

He's of course happy with me being cured, and made it quite clear to me. He said that it's great news, amazing news, yet another proof to us - all of us - that I am indeed Nerevarine. My work here won't change at all because of this; I'm expected to pursue this path and my prophecy, whatever it may bring along. Caius said that I am the prophesied savior of Morrowind, so I must do this.

Regarding this, his final mission to me is to meet Mehra Milo at Vivec City regarding the lost prophecies. Caius hears that she's gotten herself in a bit of hot water as well, but doesn't know what this means for me, or for her. That's okay, we'll find out.

As for me being a Blade, he said I'm promoted to a rank of an Operative, which means that I'm the highest-ranking member of the Blades on this island for time being, not that it means anything. New Spymaster will probably be chosen soon, and me being high-ranking doesn't mean I get to boss around others. Everyone has their own missions to attend to or something. That's perfect, as it's not what I wanted anyway.

Then, as his final gift to me, he gave me a magic ring. "I know you have flaws as we all do", he said. "I like Skooma a little excessively, while you like to take things that don't exactly belong to you. Don't worry, I'm not mad about it, I'm not gonna snitch to anyone, I don't judge you. Just keep onto this. It's my lucky ring, got it once from a famous thief myself. He says he's always made his best plunder wearing it. Maybe it'll provide you with some luck as well."

It's a shame to watch him leave. I quite liked him, even though he was a drug addict and a bit of a pervert. There's nothing wrong with being a pervert. I'd just preferred if he kept his hands to himself, and at least tried to be more discreet about it. Oh well, I don't hate him. Never would. I'll miss him.

Then, I got to meet Karim and Kanna. They were both home, and neither of them was expecting me so soon. I hugged them both tight and reassured to them that everything's going to be okay now, while going over my experiences, all the crazy things I saw in Tel Fyr, and what all of this will mean for me going forward. Karim had nothing to say about me not being able to grow up anymore, and honestly, I don't know what to make of it myself either, but Kanna was sad. She said that she would've loved to grow up together with me and learn all about what it means to be adult with me, kind of like a twin sister. Now that she puts it that way, I can kind of see where she's coming from. It sure is gonna get a little strange in couple of years when she outgrows me and becomes a proper woman, while I will forever be stunted.

So, that's the good news, I'm reunited with my friends again. There were some bad news too.

Considering that the Sixth House has grown immensely in the past couple of years, especially in the past couple of months, especially now that they don't hide from the public eye anymore, the threat they pose to Morrowind is now huge. Vandalism, attacks on street, it's all out of control. The Legion is starting to get involved alongside the Great Houses to actually take this matter seriously. That's why Karim will be for time being put on active guard duty. No more traveling for him, at least for a while. In time he may be able to convince his superiors that he's far more useful in the fight against the Sixth House on the field, on the offense and not on common guard duty, but for now, he won't be able to travel with me. Maybe things will be different once we get back to Balmora.

Me and Kanna will travel together instead. Karim already gave us his blessing, saying that he trusts me fully, and has also grown to trust Kanna more. She's been taking training seriously and is getting stronger day by day.

We will waste no time. She has work to do, and so have I. Our first stop, Vivec City.

Evening Star, 7th, 3E 427

I'll start by discussing a wee job I did with Kanna, or rather helped her do. She had a target for execution, a Redoran nobleman living on top of their canton by the plaza. The problem for us was that he wasn't alone at home, and he knew fully well there was a price on his head without there being a damn thing he could do about it. Nobody was getting in, and he wasn't interested in leaving. Ordinators didn't care to defend him despite him knowing all this and even his Redoran allies had abandoned him, so whatever he did must've been quite gross.

The house had two entrances, and I was supposed to create a ruckus at the first one. I dressed up in some cheap rags and I figured out it would be good to try to generate some sympathy. So, I knocked on the door, and had the bodyguard stare me straight in my eyes with a little basket in my hands. I started going on about how my daddy is sick and poor and not able to buy a required medicine, and advertised selling homemade cookies, which by the way, I had on me. Yes, homemade too! I made them together with Kanna yesterday. The man seemed unsympathetic, but I wasn't gonna let him close the door on me so soon. I pretended to cry, and it was effective. He finally promised to buy some from me, told me to wait, and turned his back around to find some gold. Gave me a perfect opportunity to try some Illusion magic.

I've gotten pretty good at Illusion magic. Seduction and Charm are still out of my expertise which is a shame, but calming and agitating people up is easy enough. Enraging this guard with a spell alone wasn't gonna cut it, so I took a step into his apartment. The fact that I did this made him angry enough for defying him, but then my eyes caught an expensive looking vase with some pretty flowers. In my haste, pretending to be scared, I "accidentally" knocked it over as I backed out from the house. The fact that my magic had pissed him off too made him want to attack me. See where I'm getting at? An adult man trying to assault a poor little girl just trying to sell cookies isn't exactly good conduct.

All of this was enough to distract the guard from defending his master. Realizing the ruckus that was going on, the nobleman paid no attention to Kanna sneaking up on him after having walked straight through the backdoor. I didn't get to see the execution, not that I cared to anyway, but Kanna said that it was a clean and painless kill, and she did not even need to present her writ.

The guards didn't even suspect me of being an accomplice in this murder. Instead, even that was pinned on the bodyguard. I mean, he had to be a prime suspect, right? After all, what kind of maniac would attack a helpless little girl!?

Now that I had helped her, it was her time to help me find Mehra Milo.

The Temple is not very welcoming towards visitors, but at least they let you in. Being under the watchful eye of the always suspicious Ordinators was a little taxing, especially since we couldn't really start snooping around. One thing we did figure out though was the fact that the woman I was looking for wasn't anywhere to be found. We didn't feel confident asking too many questions either, as I didn't really know who we could even trust.

I eventually decided that I have to break into her quarters, and luckily - partially thanks to a change in guard duty - I managed to do this without being noticed after spending some time reading books in the library, which was one of the only places in the whole of Temple where nobody seemed to mind our presence. We did behave ourselves, so why would they have cared about what we were doing?

Mehra's quarter was no larger than an average bedroom, so looking for clues was not exactly hard. I found a letter on the table, written to someone called "Amaya". I ran through it as quickly as possible, and it's a good thing I did, because it shed light to where she is: the Ministry of Truth. The letter seemed cryptic, almost as if it's a call for help, not necessarily for me, but for someone. It had instructions about bringing two Divine Intervention scrolls along.

This Ministry of Truth by the way, is a peculiar little thing. It's this giant rock, a meteorite hovering above city, suspended in place, and there's a prison inside or something. "Ministry" is a strange name to give to a prison, but perhaps that's not all there is to it. Maybe it houses other facilities as well? The legend says that some hundreds if not thousands of years ago Sheogorath in his infinite wisdom hurled it at the city of Vivec, supposedly to punish Lord Vivec for his mockery of gods. Then again, can you really know that madman's motives? Could've just been for his own amusement too. The asteroid was stopped by Vivec, but what I want to know is why hasn't he gotten rid of it!? I mean, that thing still might fall, right!?

Can I handle that place alone? I suppose I have to, since Kanna can't levitate. I hope it'll be okay.

As for the scrolls, I bought two from the Mages Guild. Scrolls of Divine Intervention have some powerful teleportation magic on them that is way beyond the capabilities of ordinary mages, but easy to cast with some scrolls. You can only use them to teleport to shrines of the nine divines. Super useful, if you've got the money. They're way, way, WAY more expensive than any other form of travel, which is why I haven't even thought about buying them up until now.

Closest shrine is in Castle Ebonheart, so Kanna will be waiting for me there, probably at some inn. Meanwhile I think I'll catch some sleep and wait for the night when it's much safer to fly to that floating rock without getting seen.

End of current content.