God's Compensation/You'll just sit and wait

From All The Fallen Stories
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  • Sigh

Well, might as well just take a seat and wait. You find a chair in the waiting room and look around, you might be here a while so you might as well familiarize yourself with what is around you. There are a few other people here, one that particularly catches your eye is a little girl with her mother a few seats down from where you have decided to sit. It particularly jumps at you to have a girl that young here in a university hospital neurology department, it indicates either the mother is neurotic and has to insist on this kind of care or the kid's problem might just be that difficult to address. Either way, the kid's antics get your attention.

This lobby does not exactly seem to be made with children in mind, this is not the pediatrics level after all. The girl is all fidgets as she keeps repeatedly jumping off of her chair and running around the lobby to look at everything, and it seems to be driving her poor mother crazy. She doesn't seem to be all that old, definitely in elementary school. You estimate her age to be somewhere below 10, beyond that though you can't really place it.

You try your best to ignore the girl, looking around the room for a clock. All the walls seem to be bare of any time-piece. Well, crap. That's just great. You've got to keep sitting here for possibly 5 hours and you don't even have a way of telling what time it is? Well, that's not really true, you've got the clock on your phone. Who doesn't have a phone with at least a clock on it these days? Even if you don't carry a smart-phone, every phone now has a clock, even those old flip-phones. You take another glance around and manage to locate a water cooler. Well, at least they had the decency to provide that.

Well then, got the essentials covered, clock and water cooler. Now the next possible interesting things would be the magazine collection, witch you are not exactly interested in, and then there is the other people in the lobby. The girl and her mother of course were impossible to miss with the kid making herself such a nuisance, but her and her mother are hardly the only people here. There's not a whole lot, but there are certainly others. As you glance around, there seems to be an older middle-age gentleman sitting just across the isle of seats from you, and then closer to the entrance there is a rather overweight woman closer to your age and a guy sitting next to her with a little bit of a beer-belly himself. From the way they are interacting along with their age, you assume them to be a couple. Who knows though? They could be brother and sister. The last person in the lobby is a young man, probably a little older than you but still in his 20s, who is dressed sharply and talking on his phone. You can't tell much from his conversation, you haven't really been listening. It is not really like it is polite to eaves-drop, but you imagine you are probably going to start trying to figure out who he is talking to pretty fast here. That's just the nature of a wandering mind in a situation like this, you always start listening in on other people's conversations.

“Yeah I know right?” He says in a sudden outburst with a slight chuckle as you are now starting to get your mind settling and your ears more trained in on the little things that you wouldn't normally pay attention to. “Well, he's just going to have to learn how to handle things like that himself, I wish I could have been there.” Sounds like some idiot's being talked about behind his back. Whatever.

You try to divert your attention away from the phone conversation. You don't actually intend to listen in, but what should you pay attention to? The only other thing of any real interest in the room is the little girl running around, currently squirming about in her young mother's lap as the woman seems to have had enough of her scampering about. You were trying not to pay too much attention because you don't want to be accused of perving on little girls. You have had a thing for young anime girls for a while and you have wondered about your sexuality in that direction. You aren't really sure, you are into the moe style, and you have looked at some lolicon. You have occasionally thought about what it would be like to have your dick touched by a little kid like that, but you quickly tried to wipe such thoughts from your mind. You're not a freaking pedo! But in this situation, you can't help but notice how immodest the squirming child is flailing her legs about in those tight spandex shorts she is wearing. Your heart begins to thunder in your chest as you realize her pants are tight enough you can actually see her pussy mound under the fabric. You quickly try to look away, that's a completely inappropriate thing to even notice. What the hell?

You impulsively glance back up, driven by your curiosity. You stair hard, trying to see if you can catch a camel-toe in her tight pants. No such luck. Those pans are tight but they aren't THAT tight. Wait, no such luck? Damn! You've got to clear this from your mind. You force yourself to look away and notice your dick has begun to get hard. For crap's sake! You're actually getting hard over a little girl! This is not good. You try whatever you can to take your mind off of it. You actually find yourself intentionally trying to listen in to the phone-guy's conversation.

“Ok, well, you can tell me about it tomorrow.” He says. “Yep, yeah, later.... uh-huh, later bye.” And with that, he hangs up his phone. Of course. Well, it may not have been much, but it seems to be working. You can feel your cock starting to deflate a little as it wilts within the confines of your trousers. Wow, what was up with that? Getting wood over a little girl? Of course, as soon as your mind goes back on that, you feel yourself starting to get hard again. No, crap! Go down. Crap, you are thinking about your dick being hard. Of course it is going to keep getting hard. It's not just because of the little girl, your dick always gets hard if you wait around in a waiting room for too long. She may have been what started it this time, but if she wasn't there you would have come up with some images of online pictures you have looked at and some sexual fantasy of your own and it would have gotten you hard.

Well, if it is going to happen anyway, you might as well enjoy it guilt free by putting a picture in your mind other than the real-life kid just a few seats down from you. Not anything too raunchy, no naked girls fucking, you aren't exactly in a situation where you can go to that extent. You immediately begin to imagine the sensation of your thick spunk spurting out against your leg, having the goopy mess in your trousers right here in the lobby as the hot slime runs down your thigh. That's not exactly a situation you want to deal with. You quickly picture images of a few fully clothed anime girls, but you quickly abandon this line of thought when your mind jumps immediately to those girls being naked. Of course you can't show restraint with thoughts like that in your mind. For the sake of avoiding an embarrassing situation, you decide you ought to scrap the line of thought you were going down a moment ago.

Ok, ok... you need to find some way to cool it down.