God's Compensation/Go find a doctor

From All The Fallen Stories
< God's Compensation
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That couldn't have been real, but you are sure you saw it. You must have been hallucinating. That was a REALLY bad hallucination. Bad enough it could be a sign there is really something wrong with you, brain tumors or schizophrenia or something, you remember from your introductory psyche class that college age is the typical age of onset for schizophrenia. Oh God! If that's the case! No, don't panic yet. They can control that stuff with drugs these days. If that is your problem, you just need to get the issue identified and then they will give you what you need and you can go back to living your life. First thing's first though, you need to go seek medical help.

You make your way across campus into the teaching hospital. You are quite fortunate to be on the campus of a medical college, a university teaching hospital is likely going to have the very best medical resources available. You get up to the front desk and you are met with another problem. How do you tell the receptionist what just happened to you?