Summer Crushed/Chapter 1.3a

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 21:35, 8 July 2021 by BeanVendor (talk | contribs) (Added summer crushed chapter 1.3a)
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You lost track of time trying to remove a particularly stubborn fastener. Looking at your phone, you determine you've been working for at least an hour since your wife left. The familiar and distance sound of a screen door slamming tells you that June is running your way to say hello, as she usually does. She appears in your driveway, smiling brightly.

"Hey Mr. Ryan! Woah, is that your car?"

Normally, your project was covered, but since you have had the drive to work on it lately, it was out in the open and she was seeing it for the first time.

"Yeah! Cool, isn't it?"

Look June over.

Invite her to sit in the driver's seat.