Just a Taste/Start/Lacey/Hospital/Lacey

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First Taste

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Andrew felt a tingling in the back of his head and then a bright flash. He felt the soft lips suddenly leave his and the tingling sensation stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at the three women in front of him, first at his mother then at his older sister Erin and lastly at his younger sister Lacey, somehow he knew it was Lacey that had just kissed him. As he stared at her she quickly blushed and turned away from him.

As they headed out to the car, Andrew and his mother leading the way, somehow he knew where lacey was even though she was behind him. He felt her presence as she followed them. As they approached the car, Erin loudly called out shotgun and bolted for the front seat. For once Andrew did not mind sitting in the back seat. He was happy to be sitting next to Lacey, as the two climbed into the back seat, lacey snuggled up to Andrew and wrapped her arms in his, resting her head on his shoulder. "I am so glad you are ok Bro. I was so worried about you." She stated.

Andrew rested his head against his younger sister's and sighed as he felt her budding breasts rub against his arm. He quickly cleared his thoughts and scolded himself for thinking about how nice Lacey's breasts felt against him. Lacey turned her head to look at Andrew with a contented sigh. Andrew felt nervous looking down at her. He wet his lips and then to his surprise brought them to Lacey's. He felt the softness of her lips against his. Once again there was a flash in the back of his mind and his body filled with a tingling sensation. Andrews's lips parted and Lacey's tongue began to slip between his lips.

Suddenly Andrew pulled from the kiss and Lacey broke her embrace. Andrew cleared his throat and adjusted his seat belt. Looking towards the front seat worried that his mother or Erin had seen what had occurred, but the two were busy discussing whether Erin could borrow the car for her date tonight.

Andrew felt strange, especially after the kiss he had just shared with his little sister. The drive home was short. As they pulled into the driveway, Lacey leaned over and gave Andrew a kiss on his cheek. "I love you big brother and I am glad you are home," She whispered to him as she unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out the back door.

Andrew sat in the car for a few seconds taking in what had just happened. He had kissed his little sister, not just kissed her but almost French kissed her, and it seemed she was willing. His mother's voice broke him from his thoughts, "Are you coming Andy or are you going to sit in the car all night?"

Andrew unbuckled his belt and got out of the car. "What's for dinner, Mom, I'm starving?" He asked as the two headed into the house. Lacey and Erin had already gone inside.

Andrew followed his mother into the house. As he entered the house, he stopped and grabbed the door frame, his head was spinning slightly, and he grew dizzy. He felt another presence. When he tried to concentrate on it the dizziness grew worse, but he knew that the presence he felt was his sister Lacey heading up the stairs towards her room. How he knew it he was not sure but he knew.

Andrew's mother Jan turned towards him and helped him from the doorway to the nearby table. "Are you okay, Hon, do you need something?" She asked worriedly.

"Thirsty," Andrew croaked as the spinning began to subside, but the feeling of where his sister was did not. "Water please."

His mother helped him to a chair in the dining room and then headed into the kitchen for a glass of water. As she was gone Andrew continued to concentrate on the feeling of his sister. He knew she was in her room, and after a bit he also could tell she was happy. It was puzzling and quite unnerving. Why was he feeling Lacey and not anyone else? And what the hell happened in the car? Did he really try and make out with his little sister?

As he was thinking about all that had happened in the last half hour his mother returned with his glass of water. "Here you go, Hon, are you sure you're ok?"

Andrew took the glass and started to drink it down. He went to respond to her question and a large amount of the water went down the wrong pipe. Andrew managed to cough most of it back into the glass. He steadied himself at the table for a second and then made a mad dash for the downstairs bathroom.

He quickly crawled onto the floor and buried his face in the toilet. As he heaved up what little breakfast he had been given at the hospital, he felt Lacey come down stairs and into the dining room. As he lifted his head from the toilet, he heard his mother exclaim, "No, Lacey don't drink...!" Her last words were cut off however by the sudden flashes of light that filled hi vision and the tingling sensation that covered his body.

Suddenly the nagging feeling in the back of his head of Lacey's whereabouts was now a definite knowledge as to her exact location, and her current state of mind, which was curiosity and concern, with a little sexual tension on top.

Andrew walked out of the bathroom and towards the dining room. Lacey was standing by the table holding the glass of water he had just spit up in with a look of concern and fear on her face as his mother walked up to her and took the now near empty glass from her. "Mom... what's wrong? I was thirsty?" Lacey inquired.

"Honey, your brother just spit up into that glass." Jan replied as she took the glass to the sink.

To Andrew's surprise, Lacey simply shrugged and turned to head back upstairs. When she turned and saw Andrew she stopped and stared at him. Andrew felt a rush of unbridled lust coming from his sister, and he felt himself growing hard from the feelings she was giving off. It only lasted a second before Lacey was able to get herself under control and rushed past him back to her room.