Just a Taste/Start/Lacey/Hospital/Room/Aaron/Talk

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Is a Friend in Deed

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The two boys headed for Aaron's room. His room was not like those of most kids his age, and Andrew was the only person other than Aaron's family who had ever been in there. On his desk sat a brand new Apple IIC with a color monitor. Above the desk were two shelves. The top shelf was filled with encyclopedias while the bottom shelf had the Rubix cub Aaron got last Christmas right next to the three Crystal 3D Puzzles he had also gotten. Aaron had solved the cube in thirty minutes and it has been on the shelf ever since. All over the room were books on Physics and Advanced Calculus. Instead of posters of rock stars and pinup girls, he had star charts and a periodic table.

Once they got inside and Andrew closed the door, Aaron turned towards him and asked. "Ok, what do you need to talk about?"

Andrew walked over and sat in the desk chair. "Aaron, before I say anything you need to swear you will not tell anyone any of what I am about to tell you."

Aaron folded his arms across his chest and gave Andrew an impatient look. "Ok, Andy, I swear. Now what is going on?"

Andrew gave a big sigh and then told Aaron everything that had happened since he woke up yesterday afternoon, everything that is except for his sister sucking his cock and swallowing his cum. As Andrew told his story, Aaron's expression slowly changed from impatience to astonishment. By the time Andrew had finished his tale Aaron had made his way to his bed and sat down, shaking his head in awe he looked over at Aaron. "Wow, that is the most incredible thing I have ever heard. Are you pulling my leg? Or are you serious?"

Andrew scowled at Aaron. "No, I am making it all up to pull your chain. Of course I am serious and I have no idea what to do about it, so I came to talk to you. I know you are into science and stuff, maybe you would have some ideas as to what was going on."

"Wow, that is a lot to take in all at once," Aaron replied as he stood up. "but let me see if I have this all straight? You woke up yesterday morning, feeling as you would expect to feel after being in a coma for two weeks, like absolute shit. The two days later you were released from the hospital with a complete bill of health. The scarring they were expecting seems to have faded completely. As you were wheeled into the waiting room your mother and sisters rushed you and covered you in kisses. Lacey inadvertently kissed you on the lips and when she did so you felt a flash and suddenly you could sense her presence and her emotions? Do I have it right so far?"

Andrew nodded as Aaron continued. "The feeling got stronger after you made out with her in the car, I still can't believe you made out with your sister, and again after she drank a glass of water that you had spit up in. Then last night before bed she knelt in front of you in your room and basically told you she was your slave for as long as you would have her? It all sounds like something right out of the twilight Zone, but I get the feeling you're leaving something out."

Andrew stood up and paced around Aarons room, his feet kicking small items around the room as he stared at the floor. Finally he looked up and stared at Aaron. "Lacy gave me a blow job before she swore to be my servant." He stated with a grimace as he waited for the explosion.

Aaron's jaw dropped as he stared at his best friend. "Oh, wow, that is the last thing I expected to hear."

"That's not all of it. I could not stop her once she started, I wanted to, but I couldn't. I let her suck on me and I came in her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could and then I had a feeling of completion, as if everything had fallen into place. That was when she knelt down and swore herself to me."

Aaron just looked at Andrew, trying his best to process everything he just heard. "Dude, that is far out. I definitely need to think about this. I still can't believe you let your little sister give you a blow job." He stated as he grabbed a towel from his desk. "Dude, I need to think, grab your gear from the bathroom and meet me in my dad's gym."

"You want to work out?"

Aaron started pulling clothes from his laundry hamper. "You know I do my best thinking while I am working out. It clears my mind."

Andrew went into the bathroom Aaron shared with his little sister, and quickly grabbed his workout clothes from their cupboards. Andrew left a pair of shorts and an old tee shirt here just for such occasions, he never knew when Aaron would feel a need to think and for some strange reason he did his best thinking while working out.

He quickly tossed on the shirt and shorts and dropped his regular clothes on Aaron's bed. He had learned several years ago not to leave anything of his in the bathroom because Susan would throw anything of his she found in the trash.

He passed Sue as he headed down the hall towards the stairs to the second floor. "Great, off you go to stink up the house with your stench. You did not leave your stuff in, MY, bathroom again did you?" she growled as she walked by.

Andrew simply ignored her as he headed down the stairs and into the gym that Aaron's father had made in the basement. It was not a state of the art affair, a few free weights, two benches, a squat rack, and one of the newer workout machines that had become the latest fad.

The two friends took turns on the various machines and benches, spotting each other when necessary. They chatted idly about the girls at school and the teachers they liked and the ones they did not. For a short time they were just two typical teenagers, until the door to the basement opened and Sue walked in. Andrew was using one of the machines and his arms were held over his head. He looked toward the door with a frown, awaiting her normal scathing comments about how the room stank.

Sue looked around the room and plugged her nose. "Aaron mom told me to come down here and tell you..." She suddenly stopped what she was saying and dropped her hand from her nose and sniffed the air. "What is that smell?"

Aaron glared at her "Sue, knock it off, we hear this every time..."

"No, no, I am not complaining. It doesn't skink like normal, it smells... nice." She interrupted as he turned towards the doorway and the stairs behind. "Jen, come here you HAVE to smell this!" she yelled.

A few seconds later another girl entered the room. She was Sue's best friend and the two girls were inseparable. They could not be any different from each other. Sue wore her feelings on her sleeve, and loved bright colors. Jennifer preferred black clothes and no one had ever heard her express an emotion in all eleven years of her life. Jennifer's whole family was like that. They reminded Andrew of one of his favorite shows "The Adams Family". The three sisters; June, the oldest at sixteen, Jamie, the middle daughter at thirteen, and Jennifer, the youngest at eleven, were very much reminiscent of Wednesday Adams. They all had raven black hair, Jamie and Jennifer preferred to wear theirs in braided pigtails and June wore hers like her mother, straight and long. They wore Black lacy petticoats and black Victorian style tops. Their mother, Jackie, was definitely Morticia Adams personified, while their Father Jack was no Gomez Adams. He was more reminiscent of Lurch, big and quiet.

Jen walked into the room "What is it you are yelling about...?" she began in her emotionless monotone voice.

She came to a sudden stop and looked around the room, sniffing the air. "What is that? It smells so... nice." She stated.

Sue nodded to her friend with a big grin on her face. "It is the best thing I have ever smelled." She stated as she began to walk around the room sniffing.

Jennifer and Sue sniffed the air, slowly walking towards Andrew. "It gets stronger over here." Jennifer stated.

"Oh my gosh Jen, I feel so weird, kind of tingly." Sue stated as she and Jennifer moved towards Andrew,