Just a Taste/Start/Day2/Interrupted

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Girl Inerupted

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"What the hell do you think you're doing twerp?!!" Yelled Brad Rowels, the captain of the Varsity Football and baseball teams and the biggest asshole in the school.

Andrew let out a gurgle as he was lifted off the ground and Brad started shaking him. "That is my girlfriend you were snuggling with you stupid fuck!" Brad hollered as he tossed Andrew against the back of the bus stop. "I oughta flatten your stupid freshman face!"

Andrew stood against the bus top, confused, and for the first time in a long time truly afraid. For his entire life he had managed to be unremarkable, to do just well enough not to be laughed at and not too well at anything to attract the bully's attention. What the hell had happened?

"Leave My brother Alone!!" Erin screamed as she jumped between Brad and Andrew. "Or I swear to god I will make sure you regret it."

Brad glared at Erin and then looked around at the rest of the bus stop. He paled a little bit and then walked away waving his hand at Andrew. "He's not worth it."

Andrew looked from Brad to his sister and then around at the rest of the bus stop. To his astonishment the stop was filled with girls and every one was glaring at Brad like they meant to kill him if he so much as looked at Andrew wrong. Brittney, Erin and Becky led Andrew back to his seat, and as he sat down Erin and Becky took a seat on either side of him. Brittney sat down in his lap and laid her head against his chest. "You smell so good."

Erin leaned her head on his left shoulder and Becky on his right. "Yes he does." The two said together.

Andrew sat in the bus stop being uncomfortable with all the attention while the rest of the girls at the stop huddled around him and the trio closest to him breathed deeply and smiled at him. Andrew looked outside the stop as the bus was pulling up, at the glares from all the boys standing outside the stop. This was not looking good at all; his days of being beneath notice were definitely over.

As the bus pulled up, the girls moved almost as one towards the bus, forming a protective shield around Andrew until they were on the bus and all seated around him. His sister and Becky sat in his seat with him and Brittney and her cheerleader friends in the seats in front of him and behind him. Once the girls and Andrew were seated, the boys followed and took the remaining seats, as far away from Andrew as the girls could make them.

As the bus advanced to each stop, Andrew continued to sweat harder and harder over the unusual reactions of the girls. At the next stop the girls from the previous stop would get up from their sets and come to the back of the bus where Andrew was to join his wall of protection. This caused Andrew untold amounts of unease and thus he sweated even more.

When the bus pulled up to the school, all the girls on the bus remained in their seats until the boys all exited, then as one they got up and escorted Andrew off the bus. As he passed Ms. Helker, the bus driver, she reached out a hand to touch his thigh, "Have a good day, Andrew." She said with a smile.

Once Andrew was off the bus, the crowd of protective girls began to thin out as they broke up into groups and headed to their classes. Brittney put her arm around Andrew and pinched his ass as she whispered into his ear. "God I want to fuck you so bad right now." and then sauntered off with the rest of the cheerleading squad, all of whom looked back and blew Andrew a kiss just before entering the school building.

Erin and Becky stuck close to Andrew as he made his way towards the school building. He was sure that he was a dead man. However much to his surprise not one person threatened him or so much as made a single negative comment even though he could tell some wanted to. "What the hell is going on?" Andrew asked Becky.

"What do you mean?" Becky asked with a smile as she draped an arm on Andrews shoulder.

"All of you are giving me so much attention, and even though every guy on the bus looked like they wanted to kill me, no one has done a thing?"

Erin grinned as she leaned in and kissed her brother on the cheek. "Oh that. It is simple, they all want to get laid and the point was made quite clearly that if anyone so much as touches you, no one will get any ever again."

Andrew frowned at his sister and her best friend. This was all too much for him to handle, and he was quite sure that the threat of never getting any sex was not going to keep him safe forever. Eventually someone will not give a shit and then he would be a dead man. "I need to get to first period." He said as he gave his sister and Becky a quick hug and then ran off to Mrs. Crabtree's class.

As Andrew entered the class room, he saw Mrs. Crabtree standing in front of her desk. She gave him a smile. "Welcome back Mr. Hunter, I am glad you are feeling better. Please take your seat, I am sure Ms. Hastings will be glad to have her lab partner back," she said as she took a drink of her coffee.

As Andrew headed to his seat and Mrs. Crabtree swallowed her drink he felt the flash of a connection, just as he had felt with Lacey and with Aaron's mother. He quickly glanced back at Mrs. Crabtree as she stood there staring at him. He could feel her concern for him and the hint of the beginnings of arousal. Andrew glared in Aaron's direction, as Aaron sat at his seat grinning like the Cheshire cat.