Just a Taste/Start/Day2/Interrupted/Oblivious/After School/Enter/Surprise/Fun/Discovered

From All The Fallen Stories
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Tasty Little Girls

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Their tender moment was broken up by a voice to their left. “Lacey and Andy sitting in a tree K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage then comes a baby carriage.”

Andrew stepped back from his sister as Lacey released her hug and both turned towards the voice. Across the yard looking over the fence was their young neighbor Grace. She was the neighborhood brat and her and her mother were the biggest gossips in town. “Grace Lewis, you repeat one word of that nonsense to anyone and I swear I will kick your little fifth grade butt!” Lacey yelled as she headed towards the young girl.

“What nonsense. I just saw that you two were kissing.” She said smiling. “And I am going to tell everyone.”

As Lacey reached the fence, she flipped the latch that secured the gate between the two yards, pulled open the gate and yanked the nine year old into the back yard. “What you saw was a brother and sister doing what brothers and sisters do. I was upset and Andrew was comforting me.” She said as she drug the protesting girl up to Andrew. “Now you apologize to my brother right this moment.”

Grace was a cute little girl with strawberry blond hair and green eyes. She was a bit of a tom boy and was always wearing tank tops and cutoff shorts. She had very muscular and shapely legs and Andrew could see slight bumps on her chest through the tight and slightly worn out green tank top she wore.

Grace pulled against Lacey’s grip and kicked her feet in frustration as she tried to get herself free from Andrew’s sister. “Let me go you meanie, I saw what I saw, and if it was what you say it was then why did you call him master?”

Andrew and lacey looked at each other and Andrew could see the look of fear on Lacey’s face. Lacey looked at the still struggling Grace and then back at Andrew. She mouthed the words “I am sorry” to him and then suddenly shoved her pointer finger into his mouth and then rubbed his saliva on the young girls lips. Andrew froze as he waited for the telltale flash that told him the girl had been affected. After a few seconds of nothing he looked over at his sister and Grace. “What happened?” he asked as the young girl stood there looking at them, no longer struggling against Lacey’s grip.

“I don’t know,” Lacey replied as she released her grip. “She is yours I can tell that but something is different.”

Grace looked at Lacey and then at Andrew. She looked confused and as if she were about to cry. “Andrew I feel funny.” She said. “Like there are butterflies in my tummy and my skin is all tingly.” Suddenly she looked at Andrew with a wide eyed expression. “I am so sorry, I won’t tell anyone anything about you I swear; please don’t be mad at me.” She said as she dropped to her knees and started to cry.

Andrew helped the young girl to her feet. “I am not mad at you Grace, please stop crying.”

Grace did her best to calm herself and after a few sniffs managed to stop crying. “I am so sorry, I never want to do anything to upset you and I do not know why I acted the way I did.”

Andrew knelt in front of the young girl and smiled. “I tell you what, let’s make a deal. You do everything Lacey asks you to from now on without question and don’t tell anyone anything about myself, my family, or any of my friends and we will call it even.”

Grace looked from Lacey back to Andrew and smiled. “That sounds great, but what about my mom? She likes talking about you guys all the time.”

Andrew put on an over-exaggerated thinking face and then tapped his finger on his chin. “Well let me think. How about you be my little spy, any time your mom is about to tell someone anything about us, you find a way to deflect it. If she gets too bad then let me know and we will have to look into other options.”

“Right,” she said with a grin. “That sounds like fun. I will be a good little spy.”

Andrew laughed as he ruffled the young girl’s hair and stood up. “Now, how about helping me and Lacey load the laundry up and bring it into the house?”

The three of them quickly loaded the last of the laundry from the line into the two remaining baskets and then headed into the house. They walked toward the back room where their mom usually took care of the laundry. Lacey leaned towards Andrew and whispered into his ear. “Thank you Andrew, I think I will like having my own little slave.”

Andrew paled slightly and gave Lacey a worried grin as he looked back at Grace as she obediently followed them down the hall. “I guess I did. I really didn’t think about it when I said it. I just wanted her to stop crying.”

The three entered the room and Andrew and Lacey dropped their baskets on the guest bed. They immediately started folding the clothes as Grace walked up beside Lacey and asked if she could help.

Andrew’s mom looked up from the clothes she was folding and smiled. “Well hello Grace, when did you come over?”

Grace smiled as she picked up a pair of Andrew’s underwear. “Just a few minutes ago, Andy and Lace looked like they were having fun and they invited me to help.”

“Well that was nice of them, I guess. Lacey I have finished with your clothes; I guess Grace can help you put them away. I would like to talk with Andrew for a minute.” She said.

“Ok, Mom. Grace, here take these,” she said as she handed grace a stack of her shirts.” And follow me to my room. We can talk girl talk and get to know each other a little better while we put the clothes away.”

Andrew continued to fold his clothes wondering what his mom wanted to talk about as Lacey grabbed the other stack of her clothes and the two girls walked out of the room.

Andrew’s mom put down the clothes she was folding and closed the bedroom door. “Jill called while you were outside and notified me that Mrs. Crabtree has requested that you and Aaron stay at her house after school for special tutoring, do you know anything about this?” She asked as she resumed folding her clothes.

“Yes mom.” Andrew said as he looked down at the shirt he was folding. “She said that it would help me get caught up on the stuff I missed while I was in the hospital. Aaron volunteered to help out; he has a really good understanding of it all.”

She nodded as she finished with her current stack and reached into one of the other baskets. “Ok, that’s sounds good. Do you know how long she is wanting to do this?”

“No Ma’am.” He replied.

“Ok, that’s fine. Call me tomorrow and see if you will be eating dinner there or here, also, Ellie called and asked if Lacey could come over with you. Let her know, I won’t mind but again call and let me know so I don’t worry.” She said as she continued to fold the clothes. “I have to work a night shift tonight and Wednesday and Erin is at her scout meeting, so you and your sister are on your own for dinner.”

“Yes, Ma’am, I will warm up some leftovers from last night for myself and Lacey.” Andrew replied as he finished with his clothes in the basket.

“Ok, well grab your clothes, I have a stack of them over here as well, and go work on your homework. Ask your sister if she wants to go on your way out.”

Andrew grabbed his clothes and put them into the empty laundry basket and headed for his room. As he headed out of his mom’s room he realized that the feelings he was getting from Lacey had become a little more intense than normal. She was very aroused and happy. He dropped his basket on his bed and walked down the hall to Lacey’s room. As he got to her door he heard slight moaning noises coming from the other side of the door. Not wanting to know what was going on in his sister’s room, he headed back to his room and put his clothes away before starting on his homework. Lacey’s Arousal level was just starting to become distracting when he felt an intense spike of pleasure that made him grow hard instantly and then everything slowly faded to the levels he normally felt from her. As he went back to his homework he heard his sister’s door open down the hall. “That was so much fun Lacey, can we do it again sometime?” He heard Grace ask.

“We will have to see, I am sure we will though. Now be a good girl and go home. Remember you can’t tell anyone about what goes on here.” Lacey said as the two girls passed by his room towards the stairs.

“I know, it’s between you and me.” The young girl replied as they headed downstairs and their voices drifted away.

Andrew shook his head and started working on his homework. He was again distracted from his work by Lacey as she came into his room, wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, and rested her chin on his left shoulder. “Whatchya doin’ bro?” Lacey asked.

Andrew let out a sigh as he looked up from his homework at his sister through the mirror on the wall above his desk. “Working on my homework, what were you and Grace doing?”

“Girl stuff.” She said with a crooked grin as she wiped her lips with her hand. “Mom left for work didn’t she? Man I hate it when she works nights. It’s so quiet here and I get so lonely.” She said as she stood up and started messaging his shoulders.

Andrew put down his pencil and leaned back a little, enjoying the feeling of his sister’s magical fingers. “You can do that all night sis.” He said. “We are going to the Crabtree’s house tomorrow. Mrs. Crabtree wants to sit down and talk about what is going on with us, we need to figure out what it is and compare notes.”

“Ok,” She replied as she continued to work on his shoulders. “What about Ellie?”

“Mrs. Crabtree says she was going to take care of it. I am sure she will send her to a friend’s house or something.” He replied as he spun his chair around and pulled Lacey between his legs and gently kissed her. He tasted an unusual flavor on her lips. As they kissed Lacey opened her mouth and he slid his tongue in to meet hers. The strange taste was even stronger on her tongue.

“I am sure she will.” Lacey said as they broke the kiss and with a hint of mischief in her voice. “I am sure she will.”