Dirty Talk/Three Brats/Cast

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Main Character

I am Emilia Björnquist.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • My grades are alright, but I could always do better. I like PE the most, and I used to play Tennis before moving. I don't think there's a court here sadly.
  • I really don't want to move out of the city. My brother hates the boonies too, but my father says his new job is really important.
  • Why are you asking me about sex? Are you trying to sexually harass me? You pervert, maybe I'll call the police. I'm just teasing you.
  • Here's my secret photo album. Some of the pictures there are a little embarrassing, but I'll let you see them.

Best Friends

Hey, I'm Heidi Ståhlberg.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm sociable and get along with almost anybody. School's boring, but I'm okay with grades. Math is my best subject.
  • Living in countryside isn't bad at all! You just got to have a bit of imagination! Besides, it's only 45 minutes on bullet train to the big city. That's not too bad, is it?
  • Oh, so you noticed that, huh... Sure, we can exchange contacts and meet up later if you're interested. There's no need to be shy.
  • Here's my secret photo album. If you ask nicely, I may even send you a nude.

Hi! My name's Milka Ahlroos.
  • I'm ten!
  • This isn't probably the correct picture of me, but I do have black hair! Sowwy, I'm bad with techmology.
  • I'm loud, boisterous, adventurous and playful, good at sports, terrible at concentrating in class. Most of the teachers hate me for that.
  • My mother died when I was young, and my father's rarely home. That's why I live with my grandmother! I help around the store a lot too!
  • Ah, yes. I am indeed a promiscuous young woman. Something wrong with that? Or are you curious?
  • Here's my secret photo album. I think I got a few sexy ones in there as well!

The Björnquist Family

I am Ludwig Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's father.
  • I am 36 years old.
  • I have blond hair and yellow eyes.
  • I work for the military with a six-figure yearly salary.
  • I moved to Cloverfield together with my family to better provide for them.
  • I love my wife unconditionally! She's the best thing to ever happen to me!

I am Laura Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's mother.
  • I am 34 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm a stay-at-home mother and I like it that way. Our house is big and someone needs to take care of it all.
  • Gardening is my favorite thing in the world.
  • It's okay to stare, but make no mistake about it, I'm loyal to Ludwig.

I am Sven Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's older brother.
  • I am 14 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm smart, but unmotiated about school. My parents worry too much about it.
  • I wish I could just stay home all day and play videogames. The internet connection is terrible here.
  • Girls? I don't know what to say… That's an embarrassing subject… I've never even had a girlfriend before…

I'm Gunnar!
  • I'm three years old!
  • I'm a Rottweiler!

The Ståhlberg Family

I am Edward Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's father.
  • I am 43 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • My family owns a small farm which produces organic meats. It's not much, but we get by. I'm a trained butcher.
  • Cloverfield is where I was born and where I will die. It's the only home I'll ever need.
  • Me and my wife get along, but the spark is gone. Work and children keep us both busy. Sex isn't part of our weekly life anymore.

I am Hulda Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's mother.
  • I am 41 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I work at my husband's farm, keep the house in check and keep myself busy with the kids. Work, work, work… Every day's always the same.
  • I fear that Edward's not that interested in me anymore. I'm an old woman already.

I am Hannu Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the youngest son.
  • I am 11 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm the only kid in my year. Everyone's either one year older or younger than me. How did that happen?
  • When I grow up, I'm gonna be a professional football player! I train hard every week to be the very best I can possibly be!
  • My friends always tease me for being shy around girls. I'm not shy! I'm just not that interested, okay!?

I am Henry Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the oldest son.
  • I am 21 years old.
  • I have brown eyes. My black hair color isn't natural.
  • I recently moved back to Cloverfield after studying to become a police officer for some years. I work alongside Officer Danny, who serves as my mentor.
  • My father always wanted me to take over the farm when I grew up, but I just don't like that work. It's not like his son has to inherit the business anyway; he inherited it from his uncle too.
  • I've got some experience with the ladies. Currently, I'm free and single.

I am Henna Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older sister.
  • I am 18 years old.
  • I have brown hair, brown eyes and a light tan.
  • I live in the capitol and I'm currently high school. I'm looking to move on to study medicine in university.
  • I was looking forward to moving out, but now that I think of it… I miss my family a little. I visit as often as I can.
  • I'm still looking for "the one", but I'm not in a hurry to settle down. I'm still young and got plenty of parties, girls nights out and fun ahead of me!

The Ahlroos Family

I am Sanni Ahlroos.
  • I am 77 years old.
  • I own the "Ahlroos Esoretica" and I'm not looking to retire. My store specializes in confectionery, natural products and medicine, and local handcrafts, which tourists love to buy as souvenirs.
  • I know quite a bit about shamanism, old gods and the spirits long forgotten in this era. It's not all just myth and legends, I assure you.
  • I used to be quite a maneater back in my youth, equally feared and desired. A promiscuous lifestyle was frowned upon, but it held many advantages all the way from my childhood to my late forties. Oh, what'd I give to be young again…


I am a Daniel, but you can call me Danny.
  • I am 49 years old.
  • I am the local police officer. It's a quiet village, not a lot of crime going about.
  • Kids these days have no respect for authority. Bloody rascals.

School and Faculty

I am a placeholder.

Mech and Other

Just a good ol' television.
  • I mostly just relay news and weather.

I am a family SUV.
  • My owner probably had to take a loan to afford me.

I am Siri, an AI.
  • I may be really handy, but I also have way too many pointless features.