God's Compensation/Chapter 1

From All The Fallen Stories
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It has been 2 days since you ceased to exist. So far as the world around you is concerned, you were never born. You essentially died that day. It is not all bad though. You may have died, but you were reborn as a “god.” Sure, a demi-god, but you do have several powerful abilities you did not have before.

Soon after you were literally erased from time, you received help from an angel. He may not have used that term, but soon after he left you put two and two together and realized that is exactly what he was. Mr. Austin, he called himself. He described himself as a sort of social worker who was assigned to help you out with your situation, and he had mentioned this was under the authority of the god that he served. So, a celestial being that serves a god and helps people in need. Yeah, that’s an angel. What else would you call it?

Mr. Austin, after telling you about your situation and helping you to learn something about how to control your powers, set you up to survive on your own and make a new life for yourself. He did some things to get you an unoccupied dorm room on the campus of the University you were attending before “the incident,” and then he gave you a smart phone that had an app that directed you to all the information you might need to know about where he came from, the culture and disposition of the other gods, and most importantly, how to use your powers. He also gave you some preserved food, and taught you how to use some of your powers to duplicate it infinitely. Everything a fledgling god would need to subsist, but nothing that would allow you to live in any kind of luxury.

You have spent most of yesterday just trying to figure out your abilities. It has been strange wandering around campus and seeing your former friends and not having a single one of them recognize you. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to talk to any of them, so after going out about noon you just secluded yourself off in your new bare dorm room and started practicing your powers as a 6 dimensional being and also as a god.

In terms of godhood, you are extremely weak. Your powers do not really stretch beyond some slight manipulations of an unsuspecting person’s mind, and even then you can’t really bend their will that far. Really, it is only a little better than alcohol at getting a person to do what you want them to. The far more interesting powers are the ones that are usable by every 6 dimensional being in existence, including angels and those not connected to godhood in any way what so ever. Every citizen of this new 6 dimensional realm you just learned about two days ago can do these things, and they can probably do it better than you. Actually, you know for certain they are more able to leave the third dimension than you. You can hardly manage that at all.

Mr. Austin says that the problem is your eyes and your brain, you still have the eyes and brain of a 3 dimensional being, and so if you try to step onto the fourth dimension you are doing so blind. He has said he will be working on a way to help you with that, but you have yet to hear back from him.

The far more interesting ability that you actually are beginning to work out a bit is the ability to travel through time and change the past. The strange thing about it is, changing the past actually does not work as you would expect it to. Apparently, people around you will actually be aware of you changing the past. For instance, if you decide to have your past self wear a different shirt, anyone you interact with in the present will be aware of the shirt you wore before and they will notice your shirt suddenly changing. This has something to do with there being two time dimensions, and it has something to do with keeping the universe from falling apart. You don’t really know the details, all you know for certain is that this is the reason you are able to eat the same exact jar of peanuts and can of pears four times since it was given to you by Mr. Austin two days ago.

Well, Mr. Austin said you were supposed to be making a new life for yourself. You suppose if he is going to come back to you for anything, he can probably find you no matter where you go. You can’t just stay in this room forever eating the same food witch you keep duplicating with time-manipulation. You have to go out and do something to make a new life for yourself.

Check the information Mr. Austin gave you to learn more about what you can do Start making plans for what you will be doing with your life