A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Ryan/Kids

From All The Fallen Stories
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Like his father, Devin was intrigued to see a real nude beach (or lake) irrespective of any goals related to Sally. But he too was also very curious to see how Sally would handle it. He could easily imagine her getting very embarrassed, having a great time, or anything in between, and however it turned out he was sure it would be fun to watch.

He was at least a little tempted by the idea of swimming naked himself, though he wasn't sure he'd really be up for doing it with his dad there. He'd plan to wear his swimming trunks at least to start with. Sally on the other hand wouldn't have that option. Ryan wanted to make sure she'd at least try going naked, and concealing the fact that they would be swimming until they got there seemed like a good way to accomplish that. All he needed was a good cover story.

"Any ideas?", he asked Devin.

"Something close the truth I suppose, let her know we're going to have fun outdoors, just without mentioning the water or nudity."

"Yeah, makes sense, but how do I explain the long drive? There's plenty of nature closer to us."

"Hmm. Is there a specific nature trail or something there too maybe? That way you could give her a destination at least."

"That's a good idea, let's see what we can find." Ryan went to the family computer and pulled up the now familiar parks department page.

"This looks promising he said", pointing to the screen, "There's hike-in option to the lake itself. Two miles. That seems doable, and it'll make the lake a bigger treat when we get there."

"Sounds like a plan. So we'll tell her we're going for a hike. What's the trail called? Nothing obvious like Bare Hiney Pass I hope. Just in case she asks."

"Haha, no, John Gould Trail, totally innocuous."


"Alright, I'll go ahead and tell her we're hiking this weekend.", Ryan carefully closed out of the website to avoid leaving clues.

* * *

Due to the long drive, Ryan wanted to make sure they got an early start Saturday morning. He got the kids up and told them to get their things together. They didn't really have hiking gear like canteens, but it was a short hike and they both had backpacks for school, so he suggested they could just carry water bottles and the few snacks they had purchased in those.

Having been warned that it might be hot, Sally decided to dress lightly. She wore her cream colored skirt and a sleeveless t-shirt. After dithering for a moment she decided to skip panties as she had often been doing lately. They'd be in nature after all, why not?

After a quick breakfast, Ryan was pleased to be on the road before seven. It was off to a smooth start, he thought. He and Devin talked about various things, such as Devin's basketball games, or Ryan's latest carpentry project. But they were careful to avoid the topic of their goal that day, even though Sally tended to fall asleep on car rides, and this one was no exception.

About an hour in, Ryan nudged his son. "So, you think this is a good sign for Sally doing well today?" He nodded at the rear-view mirror, prompting a confused Devin to turn around and look. There was nothing behind them... but then he saw what his father had, it was Sally herself sprawled out on the back seat, fast asleep, and very clearly showing her lack of panties. He know she'd been going without sometimes, because she wasn't shy about undressing in front of him, but he'd never actually caught her exposed under her skirt like that. Somehow it looked more even indecent that when she just walked around naked.

"Oh my god. Should we tell her?"

Ryan chuckled. "Nah, she looks cute like that. Besides, we're planning to get her naked today anyway, aren't we?"

Devin wasn't sure "cute" was exactly the word, it was certainly something though. "Aright, well just just make sure to keep your eyes on the road too.", he teased.

"I'll try, you can keep your eye on her vagina for me."

Devin was a little shocked. Yes, Sally's vagina was visible; that was indeed the situation, but it was weird to hear his dad encourage him to look at it. Devin did enjoy looking at Sally's pussy, but he thought that was a dirty little secret... Did this mean Ryan knew? Or actually felt the same way? They rode on in relative silence as Devin thought about these things, until they stopped for gas in a tiny town that was little more than a few buildings around a highway intersection. Since it would be the last chance to stretch their legs or use the restroom before their destination, Ryan encouraged everyone to get out and do so.

Sally woke up slightly disoriented in the back of the car. One of the first things she realized as she came awake was that her skirt had ridden up badly leaving her private parts exposed. At first she was confused where her panties went, but she soon remembered where she was going and that she had decided not to wear them... maybe it hadn't been the best idea. No one said anything though, so she hoped it hadn't been noticed.

She quickly fixed her skirt and hopped out of the car to follow her father and brother into the gas station. She didn't have to use the restroom, but she was immediately drawn to the selection snacks.

"Dad, can we get some chips to eat on the rest of the drive?"

"You had breakfast less than two hours ago..."

But it was only a token protest. He was in a good mood, and one "please dad" and he was all it took before he gave in. Snacks in hand, he returned to the car and filled up the tank, and then they were off. Sadly for the two males in the car, Sally remained awake for the rest of the drive and did a reasonable job of keeping her skirt in a decent position.

As they neared their destination, Devin got out his phone and acted as navigator with Google Maps. Finally after a few turns down side roads, the last of which was unpaved, they pulled into a gravel parking lot with a restroom and a trail sign. They got the backpacks on, and Ryan reminded everyone to apply sunscreen. Afterwards, he put this in Devin's backpack knowing at least one member of the family would need more later.

What happened next?