Sexy Fun Times/Five/Boy/Breakfast/Jenny/Lizzie/Hand-job

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It's really strange to have someone else touching your cock, and a bit painful too when the toddler pulls she skin down hard. But it's a lot more exciting than doing it yourself. Lizzie is fascinated with her new toy and stands in front of you squeezing and stroking it.

Jenny sees you wince and catches hold of her sister's hand. "Be gentle or you will hurt him," she says and shows her how to wank it properly. "You've played with cocks before," you say.

"You saw Rory's," she says with a little giggle.

"Before that. Rory wasn't the first boy's cock you saw."

She lets go and Lizzie does too, making you wish you'd kept quiet. So you hold it yourself.

"It's my Grampy. You know I go to his house after school sometimes?" You nod. "Well, he showed me how to rub his cock and make it squirt."

"Wow!" is all you can say.

Lizzie wants to play with the new toy again and catches hold of it. This time she's not so rough. She slides the skin right down and looks closely at the head, then tries to put her finger in your pee hole. That feels real weird, but you gently push her hand away so as not to scare her.

"Why don't you give it a kiss," Jenny says. She gets down on her knees behind her sister and pushes her closer. Lizzie looks up at you and you give her what you hope is an encouraging smile.