April's Punishment/Part 6

From All The Fallen Stories
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Part 6

The two children slowly began to relax after what they both considered a cruel and unusual punishment from their fathers. Neither was ready to talk about it openly, but they had at least resumed a bit of their tub play time. Through their splashes and giggles, they also managed to wash the last visible remnants of cum from their young bodies and their hair. You might say it’s a shame that there would be plenty more where that came from, but regardless of anyone’s personal feelings about the matter, these girls would grow quite accustomed to feeling a man’s cum on their bodies.

When the girl’s semen infused bath water grew cold, they decided it was time to dry themselves off. Two towels were already waiting for them on the towel bar next to the bath and each girl took one and began to dry themselves off.

The girls grew apprehensive when they heard footsteps coming down the hall, but it was just April’s father coming to announce that he had made macaroni and cheese for dinner. Both girls suddenly realized they were a bit hungry and found the prospect of the out-of-the-box faux Italian dish to be quite appetizing.

“Should we get dressed for bed?” April asked innocently.

“Nah, just bring your towels.” He answered calmly. “Besides, I’d hate for either of you to get macaroni and cheese on your pajamas before bed time.”

While they were a little apprehensive, both girls wrapped their towels around their shoulders and followed April’s father to the kitchen table.

The table was set already when the girls arrived. It seemed neither of their father’s were very hungry, as only two place settings included macaroni and cheese, while in front of the other two chairs were bottles of beer. Their fathers were back to their usual calm demeanors that the girls were both accustomed to and it made both girls feel at ease.

April and Tiffany sat down at their respective places and began to eat. While the 6 year olds began with their towels wrapped carefully around their shoulders and covering most everything, their child-like carelessness won over and their father’s were soon treated to spectacular views of the girls bare chests and pussies as the girl’s attention turned to their food and away from their attempts at modestly.

At one point, April called out to Tiffany, and climbing up in her chair on both knees, allowing her towel to fall away.

“Hey look, I’m a walrus,” she said as she stuck two noodles at the front of her mouth, arched her chest up and pretended to make a walrus sound. Tiffany laughed, clearly amused by the attempt.

“Don’t play with your food sweet heart,” April heard her father say, only then reminded she had better listen to him no matter what. He didn’t get mad, but gingerly tousled her still wet hair as she lowered herself back down to sit in her chair, stopping herself from reaching down for her towel just in case her father wouldn’t approve.

The reality however, was that both fathers wanted to ease their daughters into their new lives. Moving too quickly would only scare their young daughters. Alas, both fathers agreed to take things slowly after the girl’s initial punishment. After all, they had been punished well enough at school and there would be plenty of time for both girls to grow accustomed to being punished at home in the same manner. This weekend was meant to give the girls time to get used to it, so their dads both encouraged their usual silliness.

Despite their growing urges, their fathers allowed both kids to be kids for the rest of the evening. After eating diner and helping themselves to as much apple juice they could drink, the girls were sent off to brush their teeth and get ready for bed.

When they both re-emerged in the living room, they were dressed in pajamas. April wore a long sleeved pink unicorn top with matching bottoms. In contrast, Tiffany had on a simple light blue onesie, perfect for the cool fall weather that was fast approaching.

“Come here baby.” Tiffany’s father called out in a familiar calm tone. Both father’s motioned to their daughters and they understood. Ready for bed, the girls took their respective places just like they would any other evening on their father’s laps.

Both girls were a little apprehensive as they climbed into their father’s laps, fearing a trap to lure them to a punishment. Their father’s strong arms move in around them, but they were only greeted by their familiar warm embrace.

“We wanted to talk to both of you,” Tiffany’s father started. April’s heart sank, fearing the hands resting on her belly would suddenly begin lifting her pajama top, but they didn’t. Instead, her father spoke, too.

“We were very disappointed in you both this week,” April’s father continued. “And we obviously feel it’s in your best interest to start punishing you both outside of school, too.”

“But we want both of you to understand that when we do these mean punishments, we don’t mean to hurt you.” Tiffany’s father spoke. “We’re doing it because we really care and we don’t want to see either of your girls go down the wrong path in life.”

“That’s right,” April’s father interjected, shifting a bit to hide his growing erection from his daughter. “We want you both to understand that we aren’t trying to hurt you intentionally and just like always, we only punish you to help you grow up into strong young ladies.”

“Exactly, we only want what’s best for both of you, even though it might not feel that way at the time,” Tiffany’s father lied.

“We don’t like punishing either of you, it hurts us a lot more than it hurts both of you, trust me,” April’s father explained. “But as you both get older, you’ll understand that sometimes it’s important to sacrifice and that’s what parents have to do for their kids every day.”

“Yes, even though we don’t like punishing you kids, especially when it’s a really sever punishment like the one we did earlier today, we know it’s very important for you both to grow up big and strong,” Tiffany’s father continued.

“Just like eating our vegetables?” April piped up.

“Yes,” April’s father nodded, proud of his smart child. “Just like eating your vegetables or drinking milk. If we gave you candy to eat every day, you would both be very happy, but then what would happen?”

“Would we get really sick?” Tiffany looked up at her father for an answer.

“Yes, of course,” Tiffany’s father affirmed in an exaggerated tone. “Your teeth would rot, your stomaches would hurt, and you would get really skinny and lose a lot of weight. We know it would make you both happy at the time, but we say no because we know that eating nothing but sugar is really bad for growing little girls.”

“So why do you have to punish us like they do at school,” April said, almost in tears.

“We don’t expect you girls to understand until you’re much older,” her father said in a reassuring tone. “But that’s okay. Kids don’t always understand why their mommies and daddies do things until many years later. But that’s why we planned this whole weekend to help you both grow accustomed to your new punishments. We know it’s going to be really hard on both of you, so that’s what this whole weekend is about.”

“Yup,” Tiffany’s father patted her belly over her onesie, “We wanted to do start this with both of you together because we want you to both have a friend to talk to while you work through it. When your mother’s get home, they’ll start helping you in other ways, too.”

“We don’t want to lie to you girls. We know it’s going to be really hard for both of you to adjust.” April’s father continued. “But you’re both very strong young ladies and we believe in both of you one hundred percent!”

“What’s onnundredpercen?” Tiffany asked confused.

“It means we believe in you with everything we have,” April’s father grasped for an answer a 6 year old would understand. “Anyways, you girls can watch a move tonight up in April’s room before you go to bed.”

Both children stirred excitedly at the suggestion. “Before we let you girl’s go though, we need to do one last thing and it’s very important.”

Both men had their daughter’s eating out of their hands at that point and they both swore later they could have asked them to deep-throat their cocks right there.

It was Tiffany’s father who gave the real instruction ,“Whenever you receive a punishment at home, it’s not like at school where you get to go home later and forget about it. Doing sever punishments at home can feel a lot more personal, that’s true for us as much as it is for you girls.”

“That’s right,” April’s father added. He made a point to looks straight into his daughter’s eyes before continuing, “It hurt me to see you crying like that earlier today. That’s why when you’re given a severe punishment at home by mommy or daddy or someone, like Tiffany’s daddy, that we let punish you, it’s important to talk calmly with them, later that day, usually before bed time like we’re doing right now to make sure everything is okay. Then, when it’s done, you have to give each other a big kiss on the lips goodnight.”

“So I have to kiss you?” Tiffany looked up at her father. It was less of a question and more of a matter of fact. Still, he nodded all the same.

The child raised herself up to kiss her father on the lips. While she didn’t really understand why her daddy had to be so mean about it, after their brief conversation, Tiffany’s fear of being punished had subsided a great deal. April, too understood, and felt more secure about their new predicament as she watched Tiffany place a gentle peck on her father’s lips.

“No, no not quite like that,” Tiffany’s father said after his daughter pulled away. “You’ve got to open your mouth.”

“I know how to do it!” April said enthusiastically, remembering back to the French kiss she had been forced to give the boy in her class so that he could get cum in his mouth for cussing.”

“Well, well, April.” Her father teased. “Only in first grade and kissing all the little boys on the playground?”

“No, it was in the principal’s office,” April answered suddenly distraught. The joke had gone completely over her head and she was afraid she had done something bad. Before either man could get a word in, April quickly began to explain the incident in the principal’s office with the bad word and the boy who stole her pencil, fearing her father would be mad and she would be in trouble.

“Don’t worry sweetie,” I’m just teasing you, her father said when he could finally get a word in. “But you see girls,” April’s father continued, realizing the golden opportunity he had stumbled upon.

“That’s why we kiss and make up at the end of the day. It’s very important that everyone feels comfortable with each other. You girls should never be afraid that you’ll get in trouble for something silly like that and us adults need to understand and make sure you girls are feeling normal and not too scared after you’ve been punished.”

His words weren’t perfect, but the french kiss April planed on him most certainly was. He kissed his 6 year old daughter back eagerly, unable to resist caressing her back and pulling her body closer. He was completely aroused, somehow even hornier than he had been earlier when he was fucking his daughter’s mouth. After several long moments, he broke the kiss.

“Your principal taught you how to kiss like that? I’ll have to remember to thank him later,” April’s father said as he caught his breath.

“Okay, now it’s your turn,” April turned to her friend.

With April’s example, Tiffany turned towards her father once more and opened her mouth. She recoiled when she felt her father’s lips touch hers. She was not a natural like her best friend, but she still gave it her all and made her father quite aroused. He barely resisted the temptation to start unzipping her onesie pajamas as they kissed. But he still ran a hand over her flat chest on top of the fabric.

After their kisses, the father’s took both 6 year olds up to April’s room, helped them pick out a movie, and tucked them into April’s bed. It had been a long day for both kids and not 5 minutes before he had tucked them in, both kids were sound asleep.

Both fathers watched intently from the computer monitor, stopwatch in hand as the girl’s drifted to sleep.

“Good thing your wife had these security cameras installed, it makes it a lot easier to tell I won the bet.”

“Not so fast, there’s no way they’re asleep yet. I’m going in to check on them.”

“Oh no, they’re definitely asleep,” Tiffany’s father stood up to follow.

When both fathers arrived in April’s room, the girl’s were indeed sound asleep bed as an un-watched children’s cartoon played on the tv screen.

“Well, I guess that means you won the bet,” April’s father relented as both dad’s retreated down the hallway. “Five minutes, he muttered. Lucky guess. How about another beer, or I could break out the scotch. Your crashing on the couch tonight right?”

Part 7