The orphanage/Introduction

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Several years ago a man was recognized in a town due to his great fortune.

From a young age he learned to work in many places, but what he liked the most was everything about construction. The years went by, he was getting old, so he decided to do a last construction project before retiring from his most beloved job.

It was a personal project that he had already considered doing for many years but for one thing or another he could not carry it out, so it was time to start building, "which was what he wanted build ?", well, he wanted to build an orphanage.

The main reason he wanted to do this was because he saw that some children did not have parents or a place that he calls home, most of the children starved or were taken away to other places to work or distant orphanages.

So he decided to build an orphanage that all those homeless children could attend, the man was inspired and created the plans for the orphanage.

After that he invested most of his fortune building that orphanage that was one of his most longed-for dreams, with the passing of the months the orphanage was taking the shape of the plans, but unfortunately the man became seriously ill and was in the hospital for a long time.

The days passed and he did not improve, he only felt like his life was about to end, so he made a decision, he spoke with his 3 adored daughters who he loved very much and they loved him very much, he explained that he did not have much time left and that the orphanage was not finished yet, so he entrusted them with the task of finishing building it with the fortune he had left, with tears in their eyes the daughters accepted the task, a few weeks passed.

The orphanage finishes being built tomorrow, unfortunately the 3 daughters received the news that their father had died the night before, they were heartbroken.

So they decided to finish the task that their father entrusted to them, the next day was the inauguration of the orphanage, all the People attended the inauguration due to the great respect they had for their father, they began with a speech in honor of their father, when they finished everyone applauded those beautiful words they had heard.

Between tears and applause, the inauguration continued with a tour of the orphanage and finally a message to the town to send all homeless children to the orphanage to be adopted in the future by a loving family.

Days after his father's funeral was carried out, they decided to bury him in his latest and greatest project, the orphanage, they also put a photo in honor of his father at the entrance and inside the orphanage, a few days passed and still no children arrived After a few weeks they began to arrive and the 3 sisters took care of the children who were arriving, the years passed and the orphanage remained open although there were few children who were taking to the orphanage, but one day a child arrived who would change things a little bit in that orphanage.

Chapter 1