April's Punishment/Part 3

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Part 3

After her last incident in the principle’s office, April had been on her best behavior. That was more than could be said for her friend Tiffany, however. With her parent’s impending divorce captivating all their attention, they didn’t have much time to help make sure their only daughter completed her homework.

The first time it happened, Tiffany was scolded and given a spanking on her bare bottom from the teacher after class. Despite promising she wouldn’t do it again, a week later she managed to forget a second assignment. For her second offense, Tiffany was forced to endure another spanking. This time however, their teacher made her walk to the front of the class and strip butt naked in front before her spanking began. The entire class watched as one by one, Tiffany removed every last stitch of clothing. She was all to aware of the fact she was serving as the entire class’ entertainment, but managed to forget that fact when she lay across the teacher’s lap, kicking and crying harder with each smack. When it was over, she was forced to remain naked for an hour in class as she was scolded for forgetting her homework for a second time and warned if she did it again, her punishment would be more serious.

April was very sympathetic to her best friend’s family situation, feeling especially bad that her parents didn’t have time to help her with her homework. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like if her own parent’s split up. So a few weeks later when Tiffany asked if she could copy her homework, she couldn’t say no.

They were on the bus ride to school and Tiffany had plenty of time to copy down April’s answers before they arrivedm. Tiffany was very appreciative, knowing she would have been in huge trouble for forgetting her homework for a third time; and April was happy to help out her friend.

Both girl’s turned in their homework when they got to class and enjoyed their day at school. At the end of the day however, Miss Abernathy called both of them to her desk as all the other students were leaving for the day.

“Well young ladies,” she began sternly. “I couldn’t help but notice that both of your homework assignments today were very similar. Would either of you like to tell me how that could be?”

Neither girl spoke.

“Copying off of another student’s homework is a very serious offense, but if you both confess to what happened, I can make things a little easier.”

“It was me.” April piped up. “I forgot to do my homework last night and I copied off of Tiffany. It wasn’t her fault at all.” By covering for her friend, at least it would it only be April’s first offense of not doing her homework instead of Tiffany’s third. Unfortunately, Miss Abernathy saw right through her lie.

“That’s very nice of you to cover for you friend April, but this reading assignment has your usual creative touch to it, and it looks like Tiffany was in quite a hurry to get it done. I can hardly read some of your handwriting.” Miss Abernathy looked over at Tiffany.

“She didn’t want to, but I made April show me her homework. It wasn’t her fault at all. I just didn’t want to forget my homework a third time.”

“That’s odd you forced her to show you her homework when she seemed perfectly willing to lie for you. Nice try girls, but you’re both going to be punished harshly. If you had simply forgotten your homework a third time, you would have just gotten a trip to the principal’s office, but copying another student’s work is quite a bit more severe. And April, seeing as how you lied to cover for your friend, I have no choice but to recommend that you are punished just as harshly.”

It was clear their game was up and both girls stood there fighting back the urge to cry. In short order, they were ushered down the hall and into to the principal’s office where Miss Abernathy explained the gravity of the situation to him.

“Well, I think you aught to call their parents and let them know they will be home late this evening. They will both be serving detention with me.” The principal eyed both six year olds with a twinkle of excitement in his eye. Miss Abernathy shut the door behind her, as if sealing the girl’s fate.

“So, you’ve both cheated and lied to your teacher about it. We take both of those things very seriously here.” The principal began after a brief silence. “Today will be your first punishment, but I must insist that you both come back for lunch detention with me for the rest of this week. And if you’re both good and to what you’re told, your detentions will be over by the end of the week.”

It was only Tuesday, that would mean lunch detention for three days. It didn’t sound so bad, but both girls knew better than to think they would only be eating lunch with the principal. He would most definitely have other ideas. Both girls stood in front of the principal, completely silent and afraid of what he would do next.

“Both of you strip off your clothes,” the girls didn’t waste any time following the instructions. They both knew it would be worse if they tried to refuse.

The principal eyed both of them carefully, deciding which girl would go first. Once he had made up his mind, he began unbuckling his belt. April knew what was coming. Tiffany on the other hand, had never been punished by the principle before. She was stunned when he pulled out his cock. Her feelings were multiplied when he put it right in front of her face and instructed her to open her mouth.

She did so reluctantly, not quite sure what to expect. Before she had time to put much thought into it, one hand was on the back of her head and the tip of her principal’s cock had pushed passed her lips. April could see the look of shock on her friend’s face when she tasted a man’s cock for the first time.

Tiffany whined, frightened by the unfamiliar sensation. When the principal pushed his cock further towards her throat, she started to become more distressed and visibly began to cry. Before things got too far however, he pushed her off of his dick.

“That should be good enough,” The principal examined his cock which was now glistening with Tiffany’s saliva. “Now it’s you’re turn April, bend over the arm of the sofa.”

April didn’t like the sound of that, having a fairly good idea of what was about to happen. She remembered the first time she had been punished when he had forced his cock up her ass, but she obeyed. Sure enough, her fears were realized when she felt it pushing into her bottom.

April’s eyes were too watery to see the look of horror on Tiffany’s face as she watched what was happening to her friend. April whined with each thrust, but she gave up trying to fight it, laying still over the arm of the sofa. She was eventually relieved when the principal pulled his cock out from her ass.

“Now, it’s Tiffany’s turn, but you need to get me ready just like she did for you.” The principal said to April.

“But it’s dirty!” April complained, realizing that meant he was telling her to suck the cock that had just been lodged inside her ass. I’m truth however, there was only mild evidence of the lewd act on his cock.

“I didn’t ask your opinion, young lady. Get your moth on it before I decide to punish you further.”

Dejected, April gave in and started sucking his cock. She gagged, more from the thought of the act than anything else, but the principal caused her to gag several more times as he moved his hips to force his cock in and out of her mouth.

“Alright Tiffany, over the sofa,” The principal said when he was satisfied. The girl backed up instinctively before finally obeying the instruction. Tiffany was I such a shock at what she had witnessed that she had nearly forgotten she would be next.

Tiffany cried out much louder than April had when she felt the dick pushing into her ass. She jerked her body, trying to get away or at least, lessen her discomfort. But it was no use. He forced his way in and out of the six year old’s ass until finally calling April over when he was about to cum.

He shot his first few spurts right up Tiffany’s ass. Then a few more landed on her back. Then, turning towards April, he aimed his cock right at her chest, letting the cum shoot out onto her nipples and drip down the front of her torso.

When he had finished, Tiffany was forced to lick his cock clean before either girl was allowed to get cleaned up and dressed. He told them there was nothing quite like being cleaned up by a little girl’s mouth after a good ass fucking.

“See you girl’s tomorrow at 12:15 for lunch!” He bade April and Tiffany goodbye once they were dressed.

Neither girl spoke as they left the principal’s office together, but they both wondered the same thing: What would the principal force them to do tomorrow for lunch detention?

Part 4