Seducing My Sister/First BJ/The Doctor/Swimming/Suki/Yes

From All The Fallen Stories
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“It’s all about sex,” you say, blushing a bit.

“You mean kissing and stuff?”

“Not just kissing. It’s how babies get started.”

“I thought they grew in mummy’s tummy.”

“They do, but sex is what starts them off.”

“How? And how do you know?”

“I read bits about it in stories, but I went to the library and looked it up in encyclopaedia. There were pictures and everything. Well, drawings not photos.”

“So what’s all this got to do with your willy getting stiff?”

“If I tell you, you gotta promise you’ll keep it to yourself.”

“Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Okay. Inside a ladies tummy is a special place called the womb, which is where babies grow. It starts off with an egg. No not an egg like a chicken. These eggs are very tiny, so tiny you need a microscope to see one, and every few weeks one comes down into the womb to see if it can get fertilised.”

“What’s fertilised?”

“That’s where the willy comes in. By the way, willy is a baby name. The proper name is penis, but most people call it a dick or cock. Did you notice the bag hanging down underneath?” She nods. “Well, there’s two balls in that bag and their job is to make sperms, and sperms are what fertilise eggs.”

“That’s weird. You mean these sperms have to get into the egg and that starts a baby? How do they get there?”

“That’s what the penis is for. You know you got a hole in your winkle? I don’t mean the hole you wee out of. That’s a different thing called the urethra. The baby hole is called a vagina.” I thought comes to you. “Did you ever try putting a finger in yours?”

Suki blushes. She’s already been squirming a bit while you talked about her privates. “I might have done,” she admits.

“What did it feel like?”

She shrugs. “I dunno. Kinda nice. Sort of tingly.”

“Do you do it much?”

She shakes her head. “Not really. Sometimes in the bath when I’m all soapy and slippery… And… And sometimes, when we’ve been snuggled up in bed, reading, I get all itchy. I got the same feeling when I saw that man’s willy in the shower.”