The Interdimensional Traveler

From All The Fallen Stories
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In this Interactive Story You will have the choice of 4 Characters to Start with. Each discover an Interdimensional Portal after a while and use it to discover other dimension's where they will find Love and Lust in MANY DIFFERENT FORMS.

"Senza Zephys"

Age Height/Weight Body Cock Hair Eyes Race Skin Tone Sexuality Planet Home Region
17 yrs. 5'0", 97 lbs. Slim; Smooth 4.5", Cut Purple, Teal Highlights Yellow Andritian Pale Pink Gay Zumadus Slaticia
  • Backstory: Senza is a 17-year-old Andritian boy from the Akiz System. He is the Eldest Son of The Former Colonel of the Andraeshin Army Hanavin Zephys.

"Avus Zephys"

Age Height/Weight Body Cock Hair Eyes Race Skin Tone Sexuality Planet Home Region
12 yrs. 3'7.4", 43.6 lbs. Slim; Smooth 2.2", Cut Navy-Blue, Green Highlights Orange Andritian Pale Pink Unknown Zumadus Slaticia
  • Backstory: Avus is a 12-year-old Andritian boy and the Youngest Son of The Former Colonel of the Andraeshin Army Hanavin Zephys and Senza'a Little Brother. After Colonel Zephys died during the Planetary Wars 3 years ago Senza has been taking care of him.

"Devall Frisen"

Age Height/Weight Body Cock Hair Eyes Race Skin Tone Sexuality Planet Home City
23 yrs. 6'7", 225 lbs. Swimmers Build; Very Little Body Hair 8.9", Uncut Platinum Blonde Aqua Blue Human Sunkissed Gay Murusinon Sky City of Benamre
  • Backstory: Devall Frisen is a 23-year-old Human man and College Student who is looking into and experimenting with Interdimensional Travel. He is a huge Sci-Fi and Gaming Nerd. Which is actually his original reason for getting into the studies of Interdimensional Travel. He is Gay but has a hard time finding guy's because he is socially awkward so he mostly just beats off to gay porn in his spare time. He loves Twinks, and Czech Guys mainly but is always open to trying new things.

"Sareek Feiwind"

Age Height/Weight Body Cock Hair Eyes Race Skin Tone Sexuality Planet Kingdom
950 yrs. in Feilin (Human Equivalent: 14 1/2 yrs.) 4'5", 63 lbs. Slender Build; Smooth Skin 7.4", Uncut Golden Turquoise Feilin Ochre Gay Giteryama 5 Forest Kingdom of Ilm Asyfsluna
  • Backstory: Sareek is a 950-year-old Feilin boy which is basically a Teenager in Feilin Years and the son of the Feilin Emperor Ganzi Feiwind. The Feilin are an alien race that resemble the mythological beings known as Fairies, Fei's, or Pixies. He is discontent with his life as a royal and regularly sneaks out of his home in disguise to walk amongst the common folk. Mainly for pleasure which he has a tendency to find in Individuals between the ages of 4 and 18 due to the fact he appears to be 14 years old himself despite actually being 950 years' old in Feilin years.

Select a Character to Play As: